This starter project aims to wrap the angular.js library in an Angular2+ development workflow and syntax using typescript, decorators, and a bundled output using minimal dependencies.
As stated, a goal of this project is to keep the dependencies to a minimum and provide a similar development experience to that which is found in new versions of Angular and Angular CLI.
This project currently provides:
- A simple bare-bones native Node.js development server.
- A simple html template loader/packager.
- The angular.js 1.7.5 distributable framework (dev and prod) with supporting documentation.
- Module, Component, Directive, and Service decorators.
- Transpiled wtih TypeScript to commonjs modules style and bundled with Browserify.
- Visual Studio Code tasks for quick compiling (Ctrl+Shift+B)
- NPM scripts for quick compiling and starting the development server.
This project is a demo of how to setup and create an angular.js application using a minimal amount of development tooling installations.
Still a work in progress.