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XenDesktop 7.x PowerShell Extensions (CTXXD-REPLICATE)

  • Exports XenDesktop 7.x site information and imports to another 'Site' via remote command or XML file.
  • Eases provisioning and deprovisioning of VDAs
  • AND MORE...

Documentation (in process)


  • PC\Server with Citrix Snapins installed
  • Admin access to XenDesktop site
  • PowerShell v3 or greater

Quick Start

If running PowerShell version 5 or above you can install via Microsoft PowerShell Gallery


Install-Module -Name CTXXD-Replicate -Scope currentuser


Save-Module -Name CTXXD-Replicate -Path <path>


Update-Module CTXXD-Replicate 

Export and Import Citrix XD\XA Site

Export-XDSite|Import-XDSite -xdhost DDC02.DOMAIN.COM

Exports from localhost and imports on DDC02.DOMAIN.COM

Export-XDSite|Import-XDSite -xdhost DDC02.DOMAIN.COM -ignoreenable

Exports from localhost and imports on DDC02.DOMAIN.COM but ignores setting any "ENABLE" states of existing desktops and apps

VDA Provisioning\Deprovisioning (MCS ONLY)

What it does.

  • AD Computer Account Provisioning\Deprovisioning
  • VM Provisioning\Deprovisioning
  • Machine to Delivery Group Assignment
  • User Association (if Dedicated)
  • Manages machine name count reset (if pooled)

Deploy Additional Pooled Desktops

New-XDMCSDesktop -machinecat "Windows 10 x64 Dedicated" -dgroup "Windows 10 Desktop" -mctype "Pooled" -howmany "10" -verbose

Remove Pooled Desktops

Remove-XDMCSdesktop -howmany 5 -dgroup "Windows 7 Pooled Test" -mctype "Pooled"

Deploy an Additional Dedicated Desktop

New-XDMCSDesktop -machinecat "Windows 10 x64 Dedicated" -dgroup "Windows 10 Desktop" -mctype "Dedicated" -user "lab\joeshmith" -verbose

Remove a Dedicated Desktop

Remove-XDMCSdesktop -desktop "MYDOMAIN\MYVDI01" -mctype "Dedicated" -verbose

Send a basic Slack Message

Send a Slack message to Incoming Webhook

send-xdslackmsg -slackurl "" -msg "Send this" -emoji ":joy:"

Provisioning Services 7.x vDisk version Export and Import Script

Moved to dedicated repo PVSReplicate