To explore kubernetes secrets with a treasure hunt game in minikube.
Docker ( and minikube ( installed.
Start minikube:
minikube start --memory 4000 --cpus 3
Build image for minikube - from this directory run
eval $(minikube docker-env)
docker build . -t treasurehunt
Deploy with
kubectl create -f ./treasurehunt
First access from:
minikube service treasurehunt-entrypoint
And play by going to e.g. http://localhost:30080/treasure?x=1&y=1
Delete with
kubectl delete -f ./treasurehunt
And stop with minikube stop
As above but replace the kubectl create
command with:
helm install --name=pet-parrot ./charts/treasurehunt/
Or to set the treasure location then instead:
helm install --name=pet-parrot --set treasure.location.x=3,treasure.location.y=2 ./charts/treasurehunt/
And access with:
minikube service pet-parrot-treasurehunt
To remove use helm del --purge pet-parrot