This repository tests the feasibility of utilizing DarkSky API and Google Geocoding API together to determine accurate weather data given a city and state.
Requires .NET Core 3.1 and the ASP.NET Core runtime which can be found here.
Sign up for a DarkSky API key and follow this guide to get a Google Geolocation API key.
Clone this repository from git:
git clone
Add API keys as dotnet user-secrets
dotnet user-secrets set GoogleApi:ApiKey <Your Google API key here>
dotnet user-secrets set DarkSky:ApiKey <Your DarkSky API key here>
Run the project and test using an HTTP client like Postman or curl/wget
dotnet run
// returns current weather information on Alcatraz Island
curl http://localhost:5000/WeatherForecast
// returns current weather information for Pittsburgh, PA. Adapt as you see fit.
curl http://localhost:5000/WeatherForecast/City?City="Pittsburgh"&State="PA"
We need to be able to inject our GoogleApi and DarkSky API keys before using them. This is currently done through Autofac DI, but doesn't feel great. Need to find a better solution to either isolate key injection from user-secrets/configuration, or create/discover a more robust DI solution for GoogleApi that supports key injection.