GeoIP3 is a Kohana 3 port of Doru Moisa's 2.3.x module. Ported by Ryder Ross. 01/29/2010
- Download the GeoLite City database Download
- If you wish to use the shared memory functions in PHP, you must compile PHP with the --enable-shmop parameter in your configure CAUTION: The Shared Memory functions were not tested when I ported Doru's module to Kohana 3.
Unpack the module in the modules folder
Unpack the GeoLiteCity.dat file downloaded in the prerequisites section, step 1, into the geoip3/database folder
Enable the module in your bootstrap file by adding the following element to the Kohana::modules array:
MODPATH.'geoip3', // MAXMIND Kohana3 GeoIP Library
(Optional) Edit the geoip3/config/geoip3.php file if you wish to customize the module
echo Geoip3::instance()->city($ip)."<br/>";
// will return the city name
$mode = 'geo';
echo Geoip3::instance()->coord($ip, $mode)."<br/>";
// will return the geographical coords
// $mode can be one of the following:
// 'geo-dms' - will return the coords in degree/minute/second format
// 'geo-dec' - will return the coords in a decimal format
// 'geo' - will return the raw coords
echo Geoip3::instance()->city_info($ip)."<br/>";
// will return a nice formatted string consisting in the city name and
//geo-dms coords between brackets
$property = 'region';
echo Geoip3::instance()->property($property, $ip)."<br/>";
// will retrieve a specified property associated with an ip address
// from the maxmind database. to get a list of possible property names,
// see the geoiprecord class from geoip3/vendor/maxmind/geoipcity.php
// returns an object with all the information in the maxmind database
// related to an ip address, or null
- This will not work or will return null on mallformed or special ip addresses, like
- Any suggestions are welcome. Please report bugs to
- A special thank you to Doru Moisa for providing the initial kohana module.
- The original project can be found here
- The Shared Memory functions were not tested when I ported Doru's module to Kohana 3.