A python library that can submit spark job to spark cluster and standalone using rest API
Note: It Currently supports the CDH(5.6.1) and
HDP(, yarn cluster
The Library is Inspired from:
# Import the SparkJobHandler
from spark_job_handler import SparkJobHandler
logger = logging.getLogger('TestLocalJobSubmit')
# Create a spark JOB
# jobName: name of the Spark Job
# jar: location of the Jar (local/hdfs)
# run_class: entry class of the appliaction
# hadoop_rm: hadoop resource manager host ip
# hadoop_web_hdfs: hadoop web hdfs ip
# hadoop_nn: hadoop name node ip (Normally same as of web_hdfs)
# env_type: env type is CDH or HDP
# local_jar: flag to define if a jar is local (Local jar gets uploaded to hdfs)
# spark_properties: custom properties that need to be set
sparkJob = SparkJobHandler(logger=logger, job_name="test_local_job_submit",
run_class="IrisApp", hadoop_rm='rma', hadoop_web_hdfs='nn', hadoop_nn='nn',
env_type="CDH", local_jar=True, spark_properties=None)
trackingUrl = sparkJob.run()
print "Job Tracking URL: %s" % trackingUrl
The above code starts an spark application using the local jar
For more example see the
$ cd simple-project
$ sbt package;cd ..
The above steps will create the target jar as:
Add the node IP for hadoop resource manager and Name node in the
* rm: Resource Manager * nn: Name Node
$ wget https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/iris/iris.data
upload data to the HDFS:
$ python upload_to_hdfs.py <name_nodei_ip> iris.data /tmp/iris.data
Make the simple-project jar available in HDFS to test remote jar:
$ python upload_to_hdfs.py <name_nodei_ip> simple-project/target/scala-2.10/simple-project_2.10-1.0.jar /tmp/test_data/simple-project_2.10-1.0.jar
Run the test:
$ python test_spark_job_handler.py
- upload_to_hdfs.py: upload local file to hdfs file system
The Library is still in early stage and need testing, bug-fixing and
Before running, follow the below steps:
* Update the ResourceManager,NameNode and WebHDFS Port if required in
* Make the spark-jar available in hdfs as:
For Contribution Please Create Issue corresponding PR at: github.com/s8sg/spark-py-submit