Plotting macro and result gallery for standardized QA plots
The main
branch carries common macros and utilities. And each QA plot setup is placed in their individual branches:
branch : Full detector Calorimeter QA for single particles, designed to plot QA file from
branch : Tracking QA for low occupancy, designed to plot QA file from
branch : Tracking QA for high occupancy, designed to plot QA file from
branch : Pythia D0-jet events with a Upsilon embedding, designed to plot QA file from
The plotting branches are automatically synced with the main
branch via GitHub actions.
The result by running these QA notebooks are archived by tags. Please find a list of recent runs at
For base script and QA_Draw_Utility.C
, please edit in the main
branch. Then it will be automatically sync to other plotting branches via GitHub Actions
In the plotting branches, the plotting macros plot the default QA ROOT file via the sPHENIX Jupyter Lab environment. Both source code, documentation and result plots are saved in the Jupyter Notebook formats, such as QA-calorimeter.ipynb and they can be best viewed via the nbviewer
site (example)
To edit the notebook,
- Please checkout the plotting branches
- Generate or download the QA ROOT file from a recent QA runs, e.g. Calorimeter QA jobs
- Edit/execute in either with following environements:
- sPHENIX JupyterLab via SDCC HTC Jupyter Hub, which provides both latest software and computing power. Here is an introduction:
- sPHENIX JupyterLab runs locally on your local computer via sPHENIX Singularity container. Please setup the container, source sPHENIX setup, and run
to start the sPHENIX JupyterLab webserver interface.
- Last step, before making a pull request, please execute the "Edit/clear all output" command in JupyterLab. It will clear out output and all for a clean git diff for the pull request