2nd year OOP university project
copy this command git clone https://github.com/sabry2020/JobFinderSystem.git
Then run it on your command line in your prefered location in your device
- Login as a Job Poster and Post some job pots to your Company
- run as administrator, so you can change your company name and fire employees 😁
- Add reviews for companies and apply for companies jobs
- click on the fork button up there 🔼
- Clone your fork
- Navigate to your working directory by this command cd NAME_OF_YOUR_REPOSITORY
- Check that your fork is the "origin" remote if not do this command git remote add origin URL_OF_FORK
- Pull the latest changes git pull upstream master
- Create a new branch git checkout -b BRANCH_NAME
- Make your changes, like Project description or fixing a bug any thing
- Commit your changes, then git add -A then stage your changes git commit -m "DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES"
- Push your changes git push origin BRANCH_NAME
- Create a pull request Then thats it, you have successfully contributed for the project