This repository contains my solutions to the assignments for COMP 210: Data Structures and Algorithms, taught by Professor Sayeed Ghani. The assignments cover various fundamental concepts in Java programming and data structures.
Basic Java Skills (assn1):
- This assignment focuses on core Java syntax and concepts like variables, data types, operators, control flow statements (if, else, for, while), and methods.
More Basic Java (assn2):
- This assignment builds upon the basics by introducing arrays, strings, object-oriented programming fundamentals (classes, objects, constructors, methods), and basic input/output (I/O) using
- This assignment builds upon the basics by introducing arrays, strings, object-oriented programming fundamentals (classes, objects, constructors, methods), and basic input/output (I/O) using
Linked List Implementation (assn3):
- This assignment delves into data structures by implementing a linked list data structure in Java. The linked list is likely to include the following functionalities:
- Node creation and manipulation
- Adding and removing elements from the list (head, tail, specific positions)
- Searching for elements
- Traversing the list
- This assignment delves into data structures by implementing a linked list data structure in Java. The linked list is likely to include the following functionalities:
Binary Tree Implementation (assn4):
- This assignment tackles the implementation of a binary tree data structure in Java. The binary tree may include:
- Node creation and manipulation
- Adding and removing elements (considering binary search tree properties if applicable)
- Searching for elements
- Traversal methods (in-order, pre-order, post-order)
- This assignment tackles the implementation of a binary tree data structure in Java. The binary tree may include:
Priority Queue and Max Heap Implementation (assn5):
- This assignment focuses on implementing a priority queue data structure using a max heap. The implementation may cover:
- Node creation and manipulation with priority values
- Adding and removing elements (considering heap order)
- Extracting the element with the highest priority
- This assignment focuses on implementing a priority queue data structure using a max heap. The implementation may cover: