Simple wireworld tool.
Wireworld is a simple cellular automaton used to simulate logic circuits.
Each cell can be in 4 different states:
- Empty
- Conductor
- Electron head
- Electron tail
Simulation rules (every next generation each cell changes according to them):
- Empty -> empty
- Electron head -> electron tail
- Electron tail -> conductor
- Conductor -> electron head (if one or two neighbouring cells are electron heads)
- numpy
pip install numpy
- pyqt5
pip install pyqt5
- Extract the archive, make sure all required packages are installed and execute
- Marker. Use LMB to place a wire. Click on wire with RMB to change it's state to electron head. Click on electron head with RMB to change its state to electron tail
- Eraser. Use LMB to remove a wire
- Broom. Clean an entire workspace
- Grid. Enable/disable background grid
- Pause. Start/stop the simulation
- Right arrow. One step of the simulation
- Up/Down arrow. Change speed of the simulation
- You can pan arround by moving your cursor while holding MMB
- Zoom in and out with Scroll