Repository of 2020-2021 first term Introduction to Deep Learning lecture. Contains lecture materials, notebook, datasets etc.
- Şafak Bilici
- Oğuzhan Ercan
Lectures are uploaded to this youtube playlist.
Videos: Turkish
All Materials: English
Github does not render LaTeX well. So clone the repo and use notebooks in localhost, or use following links. (Even though following links, wait 10 or 15 seconds to LaTeX rendering).
- Linear Algebra Review
- Probability Review
- Introductory Statistics
- The Matrix Calculus You Need For Deep Learning (Necessary),
- Probability Cheatsheet (Neccesary)
- Deep Learning Pt. 1
- Deep Learning Pt. 2
- Deep Learning Pt. 3
- An Intuitive Explanation of Convolutional Neural Networks
- Introduction to Statistical Learning With Applications In R (Textbook)
- Deep Learning by Goodfellow & Bengio & Courville (Textbook)
- Ilker Bilbir's Lectures On Statistical Learning (Turkish) (Video Series)
- Andrew Ng's Lectures On Machine Learning (Video Series)
- Geoffrey Hinton's Lectures On Deep Learning (Video Series)
- Deniz Yuret's Lectures On Deep Learning (Video Series)
- MIT's Lectures On Deep Learning (Video Series)
- Intel's AI Course
- CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition (Blog Post)
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified copies of this lecture notes.
Paper/textbook references are cited in references.bib file. Blog posts and others cited in references.txt file. Please warn, edit me if I missed any reference.