Lane finding is a crucial step required for autonomous driving on structured roads. The algorithm must be robust to changing lighting and weather conditions, curvature and texture of the road. The objective of this project is to identify lane lines using traditional computer vision techniques. Initially, camera calibration is done to correct for camera distortion. The undistored video frame is then warped to Bird's Eye View by perspective transformation and this is followed by Colour and Sobel Edge binary masking and thresholding. The position of the lane lines are estimated by a histogram and windowing technique to identify the base position of the lane lines pixels and fit a second order polynomial. Finally, an inverse perspective transformation is applied such that the resulting output of the pipleine is an annotated video consisting of highlighted lane region, the radius of curvature from the lane lines and vehicle position with respect to the centre.
- Compute the camera calibration matrix and distortion coefficients given a set of chessboard images.
- Apply a distortion correction to raw images.
- Use color transforms, gradients, etc., to create a thresholded binary image.
- Apply a perspective transform to rectify binary image ("birds-eye view").
- Detect lane pixels and fit to find the lane boundary.
- Determine the curvature of the lane and vehicle position with respect to center.
- Warp the detected lane boundaries back onto the original image.
- Output visual display of the lane boundaries and numerical estimation of lane curvature and vehicle position.
The project is written in python and utilises numpy, OpenCV, scikit learn and MoviePy.
Here are the steps required to generate the model from scratch and run the project for lane lines detection and tracking.
git clone
cd CarND-Advanced-Lane-Lines
Follow instructions from CarND-Term1-Starter-Kit page to setup the conda environment from scratch.
source activate carnd-term1
python -i project_video.mp4 -o annotated_project_video.mp4
The code is divided up into several files which are imported by and
- Takes input video file, input trained model and outputs annotated video containing highlighted lane lines to the left and right as well as additional information such as vehicle offset from the centre and radius of curvature of centre of the lane in meters.lane_lib/
- Contains the classCameraCalibrate
which takes in chessboard images taken at different angles from the same camera and outputs camera matrix and distortion coefficients which is finally saved incalib.p
- This is the main module of this project which consists ofLaneLinesDetector
class. This utilises other classes in this project to process an input image from from the video stream and output the final annotated frame consisting of highlighted lane lines and additional information such as offset from centre and radius of curvature from centre. This detection pipeline corrects for camera distortion, warps image into bird's eye view, binary thresholding, computes histogram and uses a window search technique to track the lane lines.lane_lib/
- ContainsBinaryMasking
class for filtering the input image based on Y and V channels of YUV colour space. In addition, this class also uses Sobel edge detection in x direction and also calculates gradient direction, gradient magnitude.lane_lib/
- Consists ofPerspectiveTransform
class which computes the perspective transformation matrixM
and its inverseMinv
to warp road images in bird's eye view. This makes it easier to compute the lane curvature which is crucial for this project.lane_lib/
- Some plotting functions to assist during debugging the project code.
- Jupyter notebook for generating various stages of the project to assist during this writeup. Images produced from this notebook can also be found at output_images/*.pngWriteup.ipynb
- Jupyter notebook used to construct this writeup. It has the same content
- Pickle file containing instrinc camera calibration matrix and distortion coefficient saved as the outcome ofCameraCalibrate
class used during the initialisation of the lane detection pipeline.annotated_project_video.mp4
- The output of the Advanced lane Finding project when processing against project_video.mp4 video.annotated_project_video_1.mp4
- The output of the project when processing against challenge_video.mp4 video.annotated_project_video_2.mp4
- The output of the project when processing against harder_challenge_video.mp4 video.
Here I will briefly discuss how I computed the camera matrix and distortion coefficients. The camera calibration logic is encapsulated in CameraCalibrate
class in the
file. This class's constructor takes following arguments.
- The glob path to the camera images (chessboard pattern) which we are going to use for camera calibration.
- The shape of the corners in (X direction, Y direction)
- An optional calibration pickle filename if available so that the calibration data can simply be read instead of having to compute it from scratch.
The constructor returns the camera matrix mtx
and distortion coefficients dist
. A public method draw()
is available to draw the chessboard corners.
The code for this step is also contained in the in the second code cell of the IPython notebook located in ./AdvancedLaneLines.ipynb
I start by preparing "object points", which will be the (x, y, z) coordinates of the chessboard corners in the world.
Here I am assuming the chessboard is fixed on the (x, y) plane at z=0, such that the object points are the same for each calibration image. Thus, objp
is just a replicated array of coordinates, and objpoints
will be appended with a copy of it every time I successfully detect all chessboard corners in a test image. imgpoints
will be appended with the (x, y) pixel position of each of the corners in the image plane with each successful chessboard detection.
I then used the output obj_points
and img_points
to compute the camera calibration and distortion coefficients using the cv2.calibrateCamera()
function. I applied this distortion correction to the test image using the cv2.undistort()
function. The following images show the Distored image, Undistorted Image and the Difference between the two images.
The following images demonstrate the distortion correction to a test chessboard image. The difference images helps gauge the amount of correction made to the initial image.
Correctly identifying lane line pixels is the most important step of this project where the rest of the pipelines rely on. In order to identify lane line, I used a combination of color and gradient thresholds to generate a binary image which is encapsulated in BinaryMasking
class (lines 123 - 202)
. This is divided into two major components:
- Colour binary masking
- Color thresholding in Y component of YUV colour space.colour_filter_v_channel
- Color thresholding in V component of YUV colour space.
- Sobel binary masking
- Sobel operation in X directionsobel_gradient_magnitude
- Sobel gradient magnitudesobel_gradient_direction
- Sobel gradient direction
I used YUV colour space for colour binary masking. The Y component determines the brightness of the color (luminance or luma), while the U and V components determine the color itself (the chroma). Here is an example YUV channels the a test RGB image:
Through trial-and-error, threshold values for various masking parameters were hardcoded in the BinaryMasking
class. These individual masking operations are logically combined into final mask using the following technique in the constructor of same class:
# Combined masking
mask = np.zeros_like(img_d_mag)
mask[((img_masked_y_channel == 1) | (img_masked_v_channel == 1)) & (img_abs_x == 1) |
((img_g_mag == 1) & (img_d_mag == 1))] = 1
Here's are examples that illustrate the individual steps of binary masking step.
Perspective transformation is used to warp the camera image to a Bird's Eye View perspective. This makes it easier to compute the curvature of the lane lines as the both the lines are parallel to each other. Here, I define the source region of interest polygon that constitute the road region within the vanishing point experimentally and the destination rectangle that image should be warped into bird's eye view. Using cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(src, dst)
OpenCV function, I can compute the perspective transformation matrix M
and its inverse Minv
The code for my perspective transform is initialised in the class PerspectiveTransform
int the lane_lib/
file. This computes the transformation matrix M
and its inverse Minv
in this constructor. The constructor takes the image size tuple img_size
and computes the relative source and destination points dynamically in the following manner:
# Define source image polygonal region of interest
t_roi_y = np.uint(img_size[0] / 1.5) # top y
b_roi_y = np.uint(img_size[0]) # bottom y
roi_x = np.uint(img_size[1] / 2)
tl_roi_x = roi_x - 0.2 * np.uint(img_size[1] / 2) # top-left x
tr_roi_x = roi_x + 0.2 * np.uint(img_size[1] / 2) # top-right x
bl_roi_x = roi_x - 0.9 * np.uint(img_size[1] / 2) # bottom-left x
br_roi_x = roi_x + 0.9 * np.uint(img_size[1] / 2) # bottom-right x
# Define source image rectangle
src = np.float32([[bl_roi_x, b_roi_y],
[br_roi_x, b_roi_y],
[tr_roi_x, t_roi_y],
[tl_roi_x, t_roi_y]])
# Define destination image rectangle
dst = np.float32([[0, img_size[0]],
[img_size[1], img_size[0]],
[img_size[1], 0],
[0, 0]])
This approach was taken instead of hardcoding the coordinates to provide flexibility of resizing the input image. However, for the default image size used in the project video, this resulted in the following source and destination points:
Source Points | Destination Points |
(64, 720) | (0, 720) |
(1216, 720) | (1280, 720) |
(768, 480) | (1280, 0) |
(512, 480) | (0, 0) |
I verified that my perspective transform was working as expected by drawing the src
and dst
points onto a test image and its warped counterpart to verify that the lines appear parallel in the warped image.
In LaneLineDetector
class, lines 34-35 in draw
method uses cv2.warpPerspective
OpenCV function to do the actual transformation given the M
matrix computed as explained above.
After binary masking and perspective tranformation steps, next is to identify lane-line pixels and fit their positions with a polynomial. The base lane-line positions are initialised for the first video frame and the lane-line positions of subsequent frames are updated by searching within a predefined margin only which increases the efficiency of the algorithm.
In LaneLineDetector
class, lines 40-45 in draw
method, the initialised
flag is used to call init
method first which initialises the base position of left and right lane lines. For this, I computed a histogram of pixel occurances in x-direction and split from the centre position to find the left and right peaks of the histogram. These peaks are stored for use as the initial base position. The following figure shows the histogram computation for the given binary masked image.
I used vertically stacked windows to divide the image height into eight parts. Then, I identified the x and y positions of all non-zero pixels in the image and stored them separately for left and right lanes. Then, I iterate through the verticle windows one by one and find the window boundaries in x and y covering both lane lines. These boundaries help limit the search to only a certain margin which is the width of each window. The best left and right x pixel positions are found and if minimum number of pixel threshold is satisfied, this position is saved for the next window search. The average of left and right x positions is found and this is repeated for each of the window from bottom to top.
After we have x positions for each window, I used np.polyfit
numpy function to fit a second degree polynomial line for each of the lane lines. I have used safety checks in the code to ensure there are no empty pixels in the image after binary thresholding. Otherwise, the frame is rejected.
When the next video frame comes, the initialised
flag will direct to update
method instead. This step will salvage the base x positions computed in the init
method which was computationally expensive due to histogramming and windowing. It will limit the polyfit
points search to a small margin around the base positions which will be a lot faster. If this frame does not have any points to fit, it will terminate the update and unset the initialised
flag so that we recompute the histogram and windows again.
The following figure illustrates the whole process. It contains the eight search window rectangles on each side, left and right fit polynomial lines, and the highlighted lane area between the lines. It also shows the pixels from binary masking step.
This step discusses the calculation of radius of curvature of the lane and the position of the vehicle with respect to center. The lane curvature is calculated in the lane_curvature
method in LaneLinesDetector
class which is in the lane_lib/
file (lines 75-102). This is called at the end of draw
method to annotate the final output lane line image with the following information.
- Offset from centre: The offset of the vehicle from the center of the lane in metres.
- Direction of offset: This is measured by the sign of the offset.
- Radius of Curvature: The deviation of the vehicle off from the center of the road lane in metres. This is the average of curvatures of the left and right lane lines.
I implemented this step in lines 68 in my code in
in the method draw()
of LaneLinesDetector
class. It uses cv2.wrapPerspective
OpenCV function and inverse perspective transformation matrix Minv
computed earlier to plot back down onto the road such that the lane area is highlighted clearly. Here is an example of my result on a test image:
The success criteria for this project was that wobbly lines are ok but no catastrophic failures that would cause the car to drive off the road. My detection pipeline performs reasonably well on the entire project video.
- Here is a link to my main project video result.
- Here are links to the challenge video result and harder challenge video result which did not generalise so well as the first one.
- Update: This project has been integrated into Vehicle Detection and Tracking project.
Advanced Lane Lines project took a very a large amount of time compared to other projects related to self-driving car. The hyper-parameter tuning process for Binary Masking in my computer vision pipeline was extremely tedious and time-consuming.
My pipeline works quite well in the main project video. The challenge video also works fairly well but, except at one instance under the overhead bridge, the lane lines are completely are lost but quickly recovers. My algorithm is unable to generalize across all the different road conditions, especially demonstrated by the harder challenge video which failed miserably. This shows that traditional computer vision is extremely sensitive to the tuned parameters which needs to be chosen very carefully with no guarantee it would work for a slightly different scenario, let alone an unstructured environment. Therefore, it seems is not a good approach for developing the entirety of the computer vision pipleline for self-driving cars.
This project let me to appreciate the modern deep learning approaches even more. Deep learning approach avoid the need for fine-tuning these parameters as it can learn the optimum colour space itself with the training examples given and are inherently more robust.
For extensions and future directions, I would like to highlight following points.
- I would improve my computer vision pipeline in more detail and instead of meticulously tuning each and every hyperparmeters, I would probably automate this process. One idea I can think of is by iterating between numerous combination of colour spaces, thresholds, gradient magnitude and direction parameters, etc. and after running this for videos in different road conditions, I could gather statistical data with certain criteria to converge on the decision of colour spaces, parameters, and other computer vision operations like morphological operators, etc.
- Other approaches such as Kalman filters would probably be better for a more robust way of stabalising lane lines when it deviates from the current road curvature. In the future, I would like to implement at least a Linear Kalman filter to improve this project.
- I would like to explore other machine learning techniques (both traditional and deep learning) to address lane finding problem.