★ This analysis will be targeted to stakeholders interested in opening a private Tuition Classes or management of existing Classes wanting to expand their business & revenue by opening a new branch/franchise in Mumbai, India.
★ Key elements: k-Mean clustering algorithm, Folium map visualization, Foursquare API (location data provider, like Google Maps).
★ This project is a part of "Applied Data Science Capstone" course, which is a 9th & final course of "IBM Data Science Professional Certificate" on www.coursera.org
Learning Output: ★ Learnt about location data and different location data providers, such as Foursquare. ★ How to make RESTful API calls to the Foursquare API to retrieve data about venues in different neighborhoods around the world. ★ Also learn how to be creative in situations where data are not readily available by scraping web data and parsing HTML code. ★ Utilized Python and its pandas library to manipulate data, which helped me refine my skills for exploring and analyzing data. ★ Finally, used the Folium library to create maps of geospatial data and to communicate your results and findings.