This Terminal app will make a sound and display the open slots when a slot opens for your district.
Simply run python
Note- the app is for python3
You can set varaibles in variables.json
file or choose to go with terminal mode.
- state : State name from cowin app
- district : District name from cowin app
- date : Date for booking, date has to be formated DD-MM-YYY
- age : Age group, 18 or 45
- sound_duration : alert sound duration, default is 10
- polling_duration : Time(seconds) in which to fetch data from cowin api, default is 5 seconds
I made this script for terminal use, since I sit in front of my computer all day, and have a terminal open throughout.
Feel free to make contributions, report issues, bugs or suggest features/changes. Together we can improve it.
- Add OTP generation and verification
- Auto Slot booking