A site where people can take-part/register for various volunteering activities as per their choice.
A variety of volunteering activities are provided in the home page. All these activities are fetched from database.
Clicking on the Join Campaign button of any of these activities -
- will take a logged in user to the registration form of that particular activity that the user has clicked.
- otherwise, will take user to the login page - where user has to do the login first. And he will redirected to the registration page.
User has to login with his GOOGLE account.
User can see all his registered activities in his Events tab. He can also cancel/delete any of his registered activities there.
In registration form there are five fields:
- 'Full Name' and 'Email' fields are set when the user makes a successful login.
- 'Date' field is a calender type, where user can select a convenient date for volunteering.
- In 'Description' user can put his longings to the authority.
- 'Volunteering For' field will set in an automatic manner whenever user clicks any of the activities in his Home page.
- React
- React Router
- Bootstrap
- Firebase Authentication
- Context API
- CSS3
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MongoDB
- Heroku