This is a JavaScript and Angular-based application for RAMPVIS infrastructure management, e.g., data management, ontology management, semi-automatic propagation of visualisation, etc.
- This is tested in Ubuntu 22.04 and WSL2
- Start the backend server; please visit
Following commands will stop the container and and clean the image.
docker-compose stop
docker-compose rm
docker rmi rampvis-ontology-management-ui-rampvis-ontology-ui
Start the server
docker-compose up -d
# see the log to check if the server has started
docker logs rampvis-ontology-ui
Navigate to localhost:4200 to open the UI and login:
Password: pass123
In order to start the UI server locally it require Node.js version 12.17.0 installed in the local development machine.
Install dependencies and start.
npm install
npx ng serve
Navigate to localhost:4200 to open the UI and login:
Password: pass123
author = {Saiful Khan, Phong Nguyen, Alfie Abdul-Rahman, Benjamin Bach, Min Chen, Euan Freeman, and Cagatay Turkay},
title = {Propagating Visual Designs to Numerous Plots and Dashboards},
journal = {IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics},
issue = {1},
pages = {86-95},
volume = {28},
year = {2022},
doi = {10.1109/TVCG.2021.3114828},
arxiv = {}
IEEE VIS 2021 fast-forward video