This repository is a placeholder for building a logic app that can be used to B2B Integration flow using EDI X12 standard. The sample flow receives purchase orders (X12 850) from trading partners and process it downstream.
- Templates
- following the guidelines of "automate logic apps" split the whole template into specialized json files
- Artifacts
- liquid file to map xml to a custom order format
- sample 850 Purchase order in X12
- x12 850 xsd to be uploaded to integration account, to be used on agreement between partners
- Powershell a. shared-deploy.ps1, deploys shared components like integration account, storage account b. logic-app-deploy.ps1, deploys connectors to integration account and storage account and then the logic app itself c. full-deploy.ps1, can just execute this master script alone and it would achieve the same desired state as above
- using metadata on integration account artifacts to build reusable patterns across multiple partners
- automate deployments for logic apps to dev/test/prod environments using the guidelines in the references section
- have complete separating logic app template, logic app definition, logic app definition paramters into separate json files
- have tested executing the deploy scripts and ensure resources have been provisioned correctly
- have to figure out how to add items from artifact folder as part of provisioning integration account like maps, schemas, partners, agreements
- Logic Apps - Automate deployment
- Logic Apps Template Generator
- Logic Apps - B2B Integration Strategy
Convert each good message to xml, with this expression: xml(base64ToBinary(items('ReplaceWithForeachActionName')?['Payload']))