Sailor v0.2 - Mars
Pre-releaseSailor MVC Lua Framework v0.2 - Mars
Sailor is a MVC Framework and you can use it to make web development writing code in Lua.
Hi! I'm Etiene, I wanted to learn Lua and decided to go kamikaze and build a MVC framework. We are still in pre-pre alpha, but flourishing nicely. Thankfully, I have been having help from collatorators like @felipedaragon and from mentors like @hishamhm.
What's new from Sailor v0.1 Venus?
- Validation
- Lua at client - run Lua code on client-side
- Basic form generation
- LuaRocks setup
- Layouts and Twitter Bootstrap integration
- Windows compatibility
- Include and redirect
- Sessions and cookies
- Basic login and authentication
- Models improvements and some injection checks
- Separation from app and libs
- Easier Linux deployment
- Compatibility with several webservers (e.g. nginx, mongoose)
- Many bugfixes and general improvements
What's coming on next?
- More safety measures
- Session manager review
- Integration with mod_lua's DB API and DB module refactor
- Compatibility with DBs other than MySQL
- Mac install
- More features to our ORM
- More features to our form generation
How do I use this thing?
This is the install manual for Linux:
This is the install manual for Windows:
Sailor also works on Mac, we tested installing Apache from brew but we didn't make a manual yet! For now you can try following the Linux manual and adapting. I hope it works! If it doesn't, contact me and I'll try to help =)
More information about stuff we use:
LP Templates -
Mod_lua -
Lua at client -
Do I have to pay for this?
No. Sailor is free to use and open source, we use the MIT License. Your help is appreciated though on testing the software and providing comments and feedback.
Copyright (c) 2013-2014, Etiene Dalcol
Sailor contains the following MIT-licensed, third-party code from Valua, Lua at Client, Remy and CGILua. For detailed credits and licenses, check the source files.