- Object Cosegmentation with Deep learning and Attention Module
- Capable of segment unseen obejct
- Cosegment multiple inputs with linear time.
Accepted by ACCV 2018 https://arxiv.org/abs/1810.06859
- Encoder : VGG16 (last layer before fc layer)
- Attention Module
- Decoder : Deconvolution layers
You can download from here!
Here is the list of libraries you need to install to execute the code:
- python = 3.6
- pytorch = 0.4
- Pillow
- Numpy
- Glob
For example:
python train.py --train_data "Datasets/PascalVoc/image/" --train_label "Datasets/PascalVoc/colabel/train/" --train_txt "Datasets/PascalVoc/colabel/train.txt" --val_data "Datasets/PascalVoc/image/" --val_label "Datasets/PascalVoc/colabel/val/" --val_txt "Datasets/PascalVoc/colabel/val.txt" --model_path "model_path/"
For example:
python single_demo.py --image1 "demo/1.jpg" --image2 "demo/2.jpg" --output1 "demo/co_1.jpg" --output2 "demo/co_2.jpg" --model "model_path/epoch1iter5000.pkl"
For example:
python group_demo.py --image_path "group_demo/images/" --output_path "group_demo/outputs/" --model "model_path/epoch1iter5000.pkl"
Inputs and outputs all seperate into two different directories.