This project morphs the "org.scala-lang" % "scala-dist" % $version artifact into a Scala $version distribution (zip, tar.gz, deb, rpm, and msi).
It also includes the Scala Language Specification (under documentation/), a collection of tool support (e.g. editor configurations), and an (unmaintained) script to generate bash completions for the common scala commands.
To build a distribution, run:
- Builds the universal zip installeruniversal-docs:package-bin
- Builds the universal documentation zipdebian:package-bin
- Builds the debian DEB file. Requires dpkg-debrpm:package-bin
- Builds the yum RPM file. requires rpmbuildwindows:package-bin
- Builds the windows MSI. Requires WIX 3.6 installed
The version of Scala to package is derived from the most recent git tag, or you can specify it using -Dproject.version.
This packager only works for Scala 2.11 releases (starting with M8), as earlier ones did not publish the scala-dist artifact to maven.
Due to limited resources, the native packages are quite rudimental, and tool-support isn't packaged at all.
If you'd like to maintain any of these packages, please contact scala-internals, and we'll do our very best to support you!
Please read the Scala Pull Request Policy and sign the CLA.
The branching structure mimics that of scala/scala: master is the upcoming 2.11.0 release, and the 2.10.x branch is your target for 2.10.x features.