Print numbers from 1 to 10 using the ++ operator.
Print numbers from 10 to 1 using the -- operator.
Check the output of the following expressions in the console:
- 1+1
- 1+200
- 200+"300"
- "learnjavascript" + 400
Check the results of the following comparisons:
- 2 === 2
- 2 == "2"
- 2 === +"2"
- "learnjavascript" == "learnjavascript"
- "LearnJavascript" == "learnjavascript"
- 0.3 == 0.30
- 1.0 == 1
- 1.0 === 1
Create 5 variables for your bank account details using let, const, and var.
Write a code snippet and explain it using a multi-line comment.
Explain the difference between a Process and a Thread.
List the differences between let, const, and var.
Provide one example for each of the following operators along with the expected output:
In your own words, explain what JavaScript is in detail.