Create two variables and assign some numbers in them. Now do below operations:
- Addition
- Multiplication
- Substraction
- Divide
Take one number. If number is odd then print "odd" else print "even".
Using prompt ask user to enter name and then show the name in alert.
Take any two numbers. If first number is less than second number than print your name, age and mobile number else print your father name, age and mobile number.
Take two numbers. Now using && and || operator check if both numbers are divisible of 5 && 10 or not. Also check both numbers are even or not.
Print Hello world using console.log, window.alert and document.write.
Take all the 6 falsy values and check in if condition for the verification.
Using confirm box ask questions "Do you want to play?". if user click on OK
button then print yes and if user click on Cancel
then print No.
If total members in your family are more than 5 then print "Big Family", if members are between 3 to 5 then print "Small family" else print "Very small family".
Using ++, -- print 1 to 10 and then 10 to 5.