This repository's software/scripts/applications/things are provided "as is," with no warranties of any kind. You use these software/scripts/applications/things at your own risk. The creator of these softwares/scripts/applications/things is not liable for any direct or indirect damage to your or someone else's property as a result of using these softwares/scripts/applications/things.
Attiny85 based attacks
I recommend going to to learn how to set up a development environment for the Attiny85.
- Attacker Machine { For Reverse Shell --> guide Link } : Kali Linux
- Victime Machine : Windows 7 / windows 10
☠️ To bypass the security use "powershell -command invoke-item $env:UserProfile\desktop\wow.exe" instead "powershell -command i'n'vo'k'e-it'e'm $env:UserProfile\desktop\wow.exe" ☠️