API Test Automation build with
| Tools & Technologies |
|--------------------- |
| Cypress |
| BDD |
| Java Script |
| POM |
Make sure you have installed the following prerequisites on your development machine:
| OS | Node |
| Windows | `winget install OpenJS.NodeJS.LTS` |
| macOS | `brew install node@latest` |
-- cypress
-- e2e (Test Inside e2e)
-- features
-- step_definitions
-- fixtures (Data)
-- support (Support folder)
-- commands.js (common util)
-- e2e.js (loaded before test dependencies e2e)
-- reports (reports)
-- cypress.config.js (config)
-- cypress.report.js (report generator)
-- Dockerfile
-- package.json (package management)
* Link : https://github.com/sajjasivakumar/r3.git
* Do git clone into your machine
* Cd to console-ui-automation
* Do git pull
* Make sure master is update date
* Create a branch from master
* Work on branch
* Add and Commit your changes
* Add reviewer and get it approved
* And Merge your changes to master
* Delete your Branch in local as in upstreams
* Do fllow same steps every time
* Build the project
ncu -u
npm install
npm i
npx cypress run
npm run report
npm run clean
npm run cy:parallel
npm run report
npx cypress open
docker build -f Dockerfile -t api-automation .
docker image ls -a
docker run -it <IMAGE ID> /bin/bash
Total Count:
| Name | Count |
|---------------------- |---------------------- |
| No of Feature Files | 01 |
| No of Tests Scenario | 05 |
| Runing Tests Scenario | 05 |
Run with mutiple tags
npx cypress run --spec 'cypress/e2e/features/*.feature' --headed --env TAGS='@APITest'
TAG INSTANCE: Headless Chrome
npx cypress run --spec cypress/e2e/features/*.feature --headed --browser chrome --config baseUrl=https://open.er-api.com/v6,retries=0 --env test_env=sandbox,TAGS=@APITest
* Repo owner or admin siva.sajja68@gmail.com