All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. Dates are displayed in UTC.
Generated by auto-changelog
30 June 2022
- Ignore RC builds in generated core-release notes
- Update
- V2 release process
- add missing kustomize patch + version setting helpers
- Remove duplicated Compose image tags in Makefile
- add img overrides for compose
- Ensure X-Request-ID is returned and allow CLI inspect to use
- Add container merge sematics for easier custom servers
- Add server status update batching
- Sherif akoush/demo fixes
- Add build info to Hodometer Docker images
- Add batching for XDS server updates
- Add Kubernetes metrics to Hodometer
- Modelgateway issue
- Experiment store
- Sherif akoush/upgrade mlserver 1.1
- Sherif akoush/http lazy load fix
- Sherif akoush/lazy load model in restart
- Num modelgateway workers fix
- Robustness fixes
- Modelgateway workers from envar
- Sherif akoush/create snapshot optimisation
- Modelgateway threads
- Fix trigger join
- Pipeline db fixes
- Allow model scaling, k6 constant throughput tests and Prometheus/Grafana in Docker Compose install
- Sherif akoush/improve replica sorting
- do not run action to build/push images on forks
- fix workflow dispatch inputs for image building
- Change Envoy LB Algorithm to Least Requests
- Request metadata
- Use static Kafka consumer in Kstreams
- Scheduler db folder docker
- Tracing config
- Separate event publish from locked updates to data structures
- add mnt folder to git with .keep file
- small update to docs
- Dataflow doc
- Update
- update cifar10 demo
- Metrics dashboard docs
- fix http reverse proxy port issue
- add workflow that builds and push images
- Cli command updates
- Sherif akoush/metrics dashboard
- add longer default timeout in Envoy configuration
- Optimise XDS server route creation
- v2 control plane grpc + various fixes for scalability
- Some text updates, new reference
- Update
- Pipeline Persistence
- Add locks to streams
- small docs title page update
- add locks around stream send
- docs updates
- Add Hodometer stub receiver
- update cli export flags docs
- Experiment status
- fix trigger NullPointer exception
- docs update
- fix external port for kafka when running internally
- Change port to avoid conflict
- read events in go routines
- Update server snapshot creation in scheduler
- Sherif akoush/fix v2client load
- Sherif akoush/add evict metrics
- CIFAR10 Example and CLI Pipeline inspect
- Add short names to CRDs
- update pipeline status and finalizer check
- Cli updates
- Helm chart creation
- Kafka configuration via config files
- Alibi-detect iris drift detection example
- throw errors in CLI on bad yaml
- Add usage metrics collector
- Add model metadata to CLI
- update install docs for Ansible
- Allow max message size in kafka and grpc
- change kafka to bitnami
- Allow for more informative scheduling errors
- Add kafka Produce and Consume Tracing Spans
- Sherif akoush/report same message from agent
- Requests batch processing transformer implementation
- fix docker compose for host network
- Ansible: add jaeger and opentelemetry
- Add server extra capabilities
- Update memory.go
- Parametrize ansible
- Update Configuration.kt
- add inference docs
- initial ansible playbooks
- Further Docs
- Open Telemetry Tracing
- make pipeline different from modelname
- Sherif akoush/k6 dataflow
- Pipeline inputs
- fix locks in pipeline state set
- Add Pipeline Triggers
- tutorial docs section
- Allow local model folders
- Docs update
- Use Gradle directly in dataflow engine Docker build
- allow both mlserver and triton to be started locally
- Add clearer state logging for chainer and joiner
- Add state listeners to kstreams to wait while rebalancing takes place
- Conditional and Error Pipelines
- Pipelines on k8s
- Added install command for local examples notebook
- Dataflow updates
- fix dataflow bugs
- Update dataflow joiner
- Update golangci-lint to 1.45.2
- Pipelines with Join
- Add features page placeholder
- Add Docker setup for data-flow engine
- Docs - add k8s resources
- Docs Draft Outline
- Fix data-flow Gradle setup
- Add Kafka Streams data-flow engine
- pick free port in test
- add mlserver protos extensions back
- Persisting k6 results to GCS bucket
- Add an outline of software design doc
- rename stream to modelgateway
- Sherif akoush/various fixes for testing
- initial docs setup
- CLI plus updated sample notebooks
- Disable auto-loading of models in MLServer at start-up via env vars
- Pipeline operator
- Pipelines
- Wire up overcommit with scheduler
- proto update for chainer
- Experiments v1
- chainer protos
- Sherif akoush/simplify locks
- Sherif akoush/remove version code agent
- Stream integration with Kafka
- Add event bus for scheduler-internal events
- Fix maybe parsing methods so not a fatal on not found
- Refactor Agent cmd package and argument parsing
- replace loaded models with versioned models key
- Add memory sorter to default scheduler
- fix rclone host docker compose config
- Sherif akoush/update v2 protos in notebooks
- Sherif akoush/scv2 50/flatten versions (and various other fixes)
- Prometheus Inference Metrics
- Traffic split envoy
- Docker compose updates
- Use Compose for Docker-based Make targets
- Wiring up proxies
- Add Docker Compose manifests
- Sherif akoush/reverse proxy grpc 2
- K6 Load Tests
- Service Mesh experiments Istio, Traefik, Ambassador
- Sherif akoush/Memory over-commit (reverse proxy)
- Server Custom Resource
- Versioning
- Move Protobuf contracts to top-level
- Initial Operator update for Model resource
- Add scheduler proxy/stub
- Dynamic RClone Configuration
- Format the code for new lines at end of file (gofmt)
- Add github actions for linting and tests
- Add golangci-lint linters and fix existing lint failures
- Add payload logging with Envoy Taps
- Updated to non deprecated grpc settings
- add gRPC inference
- Seldon Core V2 Scheduler Update
- Add V2 APIs and Samples
- New Operator APIs
- Remove initial operator
- SCV2 POC Update
- Seldon Core V2 - Scheduler experiments
- Seldon core v2 (add smoke test)
- Seldon core v2 (further updates)
- Seldon V2 APIs initial Draft
- Initial commit for Model reconcile
- update status for model
- add k8s config handling
- add model status