- large amount of data
When we transfer/copy data from HD 1 to HD 2 then there is no role of RAM and CPU in terms of storage.
- IO rate I/P O/P rate or Read and Write.
- Storage (speed ,size)
- Process
- Business
Hadoop is a technology that solve all the problems related to big data.
Framework -->Platform
- Apacha Hadoop (open Source )
- Cloudera Hadoop
- Motoron Works Hadoop (paid)
- Version 1
- Version 2 (work on this )
- Version 3
Hadoop is a Framework or Platform
- A component that stores the data called HDFS ( Hadoop Distributed File System)
- HDFS arch
- collect the data from user and transfer for further process.
EBS(Elastic Block Storage) - HardDisk Creation VPC(Virtual Private Cloud) - Network Create AMI(Amazon Machine Images) - ECU(Elastic Compute Unit) -
- Data Science + Cloud
- 80% worldwide data is business oriented
- 15 PB is daily data generated by Facebook which is fact of 2 years ago
Big Data
means Huge amount of data
- Bigdata is a problem
- Store:-
- Where to Store ?
- How to Store ?
- We need Speed and Size
- How to Process it ?
- How to make Business with it ?
IO Rate
- Combination of Read and Write speed of HDD
- Between 2 devices in which we are tranferring, lowest speed is applicable in that tranfer.
is a technology/framework which solves all the problems og BigData
Creators of Hadoop in different ways:-
- Apache [FREE and for learning]
- Cloudera [As a student, not for learning]
- Hortonworks [NOT FREE]
- v1
- v2 [Currently working in v2.7 and RedHat 7.5]
- v3 [Recent and Latest]
Hadoop Framework/Platform
HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System)
- A Component which stores the data of big size and increase the speed also
HDFS Architecture
For Setup HDFS we need:-
- Java JDK 1.8
- Hadoop 2.7.3
For downloading a file from a link in RedHat as in this example we are downloading hadoop 2.7.3
For installing
sudo rpm -ivh jdk-8-linux-x64.rpm
For verifying
rpm -ql jdk
1703 Jps
For setting PATH
vi /home/ec2-user/.bashrc
[input in .bashrc]
For extracting the .gz file; x- extract, v- verbose, f- file, z- decompress
tar -xvzf hadoop-2.7.3.tar.gz
renaming for short name folder
mv hadoop-2.7.3.tar.gz hadoop2
setting path
vi /home/ec2-user/.bashrc
[input in .bashrc]
export PATH # making it global
source /home/ec2-user/.bashrc
For verifying
# Cloud Computing
* Compute means combining computation capabilities of CPU and RAM.
* The computation power we dont have physically but we have a virtual computation power
## Categories of Cloud Computing
* Software As A Service
* Running Softwares and all
* Storage As A Service
* It will give a enviorment to use a specific program or something, example If we want to use JAVA only then it will give only computation power for that particular thing.
* Infrastructure As A Service
* Database As A Service
* Network As A Service
## Major Cloud Providers
* 60% Market Share
* Postpaid Money Model
* 150+ Services.
* Azure
* Google
* OpenStack
* Rackspace
## AWS Basic Information about EC2 Cloud
* Hardware
* A physical resource which is a combination of RAM, CPU, HDD and Networking Equipments.
* Hypervisor
* A program or a software which provides a service to host multiple operating systems on free hardware resources.
* Example VMWARE or VirtualBox.
* Hypervisors are of Two Types
* Type 1 Bare Metel Hypervisors
* Type 2 Hosted Hypervisors like VMware or Virtualbox.
* Type 2 Hypervisors are dependent upon the base Operating system.
* Type 1 Hypervisors are installed directly on Hardware which dont need an operating system to run on.
* There are a lot of companies which develop Hypervisors like VmWare which develop both the types of hypervisors.
* Citrix is the 2nd largest Hypervisor development company.
* Type 1 Hypervisor named as XEN Server
* Type 2 Hypervisor named as XEN
* Redhat is the 3rd largest Hypervisor Development company.
* Type 1 Hypervisor named as RHEVH
* Type 2 Hypervisor named as KVM
* Micorsoft is the 4th largest Hypervisor development company.
* Type 1 Hypervisor named as Hyper-V
* Type 2 Hypervisor named as VirtualPC
* Oracle is the 5th largest Hypervisor development company.
* Type 1 Hypervisor named as VM
* Type 2 Hypervisor named as VirtualBox
* In maximum cases we will be using Type 1 Hypervisors.
* AWS uses Citrix XEN Server
* Racks | Clusturs | Data Centers | Region
* It is a collections of Motherboard(RAM and CPU) placed together in a group of stack.
* NOTE: It dosent contain any HDD or SSD in computation Racks.
* A physical place of combination of Racks is called a Clustur.
* Collection of thousands of Clusturs is called as Data Center
* Collection of Multiple Data Centers in a city is called as Region.
* EC2 Basics
* AWS uses a name Availability Zone for Region
* The combination of RAM and CPU in AWS is called as ECU (Elastic Compute Unit)
* When we ask for Storage is gives from EBS(Elastic Block Storage)
* AMI (Amazon Machine Image) These are the operating system images which Amazon provide us.
* VPC (Virtual Private Cloud) It gives us Networking Interface and Firewall Configuration.
* Boot Straping in EC2 to plan something for automation like something installation or host a website or such.
## PHP Installation in AWS
* To install web server we use
yum install httpd systemctl start httpd systemctl enable httpd
* To install php and restart httpd you can use
yum install php systemctl restart httpd
* To change configuration files of httpd use.
vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf
* To add your own virtual host add your ```IP Address``` and ```Host name``` in ```/etc/hosts``` file
<virtualhost *:80>
documentroot /var/www/adhoc
servername adhoc.example.com
- Add this at the end of the file.
- Now add a Local DNS in your own system
[root@ip-172-31-44-37 adhoc]# cat /etc/hosts localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1 localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 adhoc.example.com
- Now if you want to access in your actual system then add this same entry in windows host file also.
- Now add the entry in that file using administrator permissions via cmd -> Notepad adhoc.example.com
- Now you can access
in your windows system also.
How many instance we can launch in a single shot in AWS
What is Request Spot Instance
Can we change Subnet Availability Zone after instance Launch.
Check the tasks details and recheck and do it properly
blu 751
home2 600
public_html group apache 2771 set UID
## Linux Commands
* $ useradd -b /home2 # creates a user with home directory /home2
- at real time CPU and RAM can not be changed dynamically without closing the system
- while launching instance you can add the details to be run at configure instance advanced section as bash commands and it will be run while starting the instance
- Load Balancer - > distributes the traffic at different urls to be able to handle the traffic
- On AWS load balancer is called as Elastic load balancer
- From AWS we can use load balancer
- create Load Balancer
- they are of 3 types
- Classic (for all traffic )
- Network
- Application
- Using Classic
- Define load balancer name
- Create new security group for ELB
- configur health check ( most important setting of load balancer )
- to check if a website is working properly, load balancer pings the ip of your website with http protocol to find index.html
- Response Time out - > the timeout time in which the response is expected
- interval - > after how much time ELB pings to website index page
- Unhealthy Threshhold - > how many times ELB will try to connect with index if he got no response
- healthy Threshhold - > checks for no of times to check that your page is working
- *** ITS NOT FREE ***
- it checks for running instance to provide you working status
- using its DNS testing ip