kTest :: Integration :: Spring JDBC
Integration with Spring JDBC + HikariCP
This module looks for db.$DATABASENAME
node in global config and extracts it's children
, username
and password
), optionally you can also specify max pool size
through pool-size
and connection timeout through connection-timeout
db {
appDb {
url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@my-host:1521:ora01"
driver = "FQCN of JDBC driver"
username = user
password = pass
connection-timeout = 15 seconds # optional, default value = 15 seconds
pool-size = 5 # optional, default value = 5
// alternatively you can define your connections as following:
appDb = ${oracle} {
url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@my-host:1521:ora01"
username = user
password = pass
connection-timeout = 15 seconds # optional, default value = 15 seconds
pool-size = 5 # optional, default value = 5
// there are also predefined JDBC driver configurations for postgresql, mysql, h2 and sqlite
// also you can define default-driver and then use you could create new connection without specifying
// driver class:
default-driver = ${oracle}
Simple as follows:
import run.smt.ktest.db.db
fun usage1() {
"databaseName".db {
// here you're in context of database "databaseName" connection!
"appDb".db {
// here you're in context of appDb database
import run.smt.ktest.db.db
import run.smt.ktest.db.query.select
fun usage2() {
"app".db {
// mapping result to POJO
val singleResult = select<ClassWhichWouldBeUsedForMapping>("SELECT * FROM world WHERE :parameterName IS NOT NULL") {
parameters["parameterName"] = "hello named parameters!"
parameter("parameterName", "you also can use method notation for parameters")
parametersFrom(pojo = youCanAlsoUsePojoAsSourceOfParameters)
}.single() // here you say that you want single result
val multipleResults: List<ClassWhichWouldBeUsedForMapping> = select<ClassWhichWouldBeUsedForMapping> {
query = "SELECT ..." // yeah, it's totally legal to omit parameter and set it later, right inside builder
}.asList() // here you say that you want multiple results
val responseAsMap = select<Map<String, Any?>> {
query = "..."
val primitiveValue = select<Int> {
query = "SELECT 1 FROM dual"
val primitiveValueList = select<String> {
query = "SELECT ..."
Mapper firstly tries to map through constructor matching column index with parameter index (actually not tester) then if it fails it tries to create empty instance and fill it up through property setters
Also you can specify name of column which will successfully match your field through @run.smt.ktest.db.mapping.Column
import run.smt.ktest.db.mapping.Column
// Note default values! Mapper will need default empty constructor for instantiation of POJO for filling up through properties
data class MyPojo( // will try to match result set with (`Long`, `String`) tuple and map it through constructor on success
var id: Long? = null, // will try to find column or label with name `myid` or `id`
var someField: String? = null // will try to find column or label with name `somefield`
import run.smt.ktest.db.db
import run.smt.ktest.db.query.insert
import run.smt.ktest.db.query.update
import run.smt.ktest.db.query.delete
fun usage3() {
"app".db {
insert("INSERT ...") {
// same syntax for parameters as in SELECT
update("UPDATE ...") {
// same shit
delete("DELETE ...") {
// also there
insert {
query = "INSERT ..." // it works too!
import run.smt.ktest.db.db
import run.smt.ktest.db.query.call
import run.smt.ktest.db.mapping.Column
import run.smt.ktest.util.text.stripMargin
import java.sql.JDBCType
data class MyPojo1(
var parameter1: String? = null,
var output: Long? = null
fun usage4() {
"app".db {
val result = call<MyPojo1>("{call my_stored_procedure(:parameter1, :parameter2)}") {
parameter("parameter1", "value") // if you omit parameter it will be set to null
// for output parameters you need to specify types!
outParameter("parameter2", JDBCType.BIGINT) // Yeah, you need to use "BIGINT" to map it to `Long`
}.single() // list is not available for callable statements!
val result1: Map<String, Any?>? = call<Map<String, Any?>> {
// you can use lateinit query like everywhere else
query = """
| myParam VARCHAR2(100) := :someField
| :parameter2 := 0;
| END;
parametersFrom(MyPojo(someField = "hello")) // it works too!
// you must define all out parameters otherwise it will fail on trying to think that it is in-param
outParameter("parameter2", JDBCType.BIGINT)
There is no constructor mapper so everything goes through properties
You can't use any indexed parameters, but you can use named one's!
As bonus (cause of hack in implementation, heh) - call's (and only call's!) are allowed to mix parametersFrom()
and parameter()
Bonus: conventional class for registry of test resources that must be cleanly loaded into some storage
import run.smt.ktest.db.registry.TestDataRegistry
import run.smt.ktest.json.*
import java.io.InputStream
import kotlin.reflect.KClass
// assuming you have some globally accessible variable with name "dao" which can persist your entities
class MyTestDataRegistry(private val loadJsonResource: (String) -> InputStream) : TestDataRegistry() {
override fun <T : Any> load(clazz: KClass<T>, identifier: String): T? {
return loadJsonResource(identifier) deserialize clazz.java
override fun <T : Any> loadAll(clazz: KClass<T>, identifier: String): List<T> {
return loadJsonResource(identifier) deserialize { list(clazz) }
override fun <T: Any> save(data: T) {
when (data) {
is Entity1 -> dao.saveEntity1(listOf(data))
is Entity2 -> dao.saveEntity2(listOf(data))
is List<*> -> when (data.first() ?: return) {
is Entity1 -> dao.saveEntity1(data as List<Entity1>)
is Entity2 -> dao.saveEntity2(data as List<Entity2>)
else -> throw SaveException("Unsupported entity (List<${data.first()?.javaClass?.simpleName}>) for save!")
else -> throw SaveException("Unsupported entity (${data.javaClass.simpleName}) for save!")
override fun <T: Any> remove(data: T) {
if (data !is Entity1 && data !is Entity2) {
import run.smt.ktest.db.registry.TestDataRegistry
import run.smt.ktest.util.resource.*
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonNode
val testData: TestDataRegistry by lazy { MyTestDataRegistry({ resourceName -> "test-data/$resourceName.json".load() }) }
fun usage5() {
// Insert fresh entity1 into database (from "resources/test-data/some-entity1-json.json")
// Insert fresh organization into database and retrieve its java value
val ent1: Entity1? = testData["entity1-json"]
// Usage without inserting into database
val ent2: Entity2? = testData.load("entity2")
val sameAsEnt2: JsonNode? = testData.load("entity2")
val ents: List<Entity2> = testData.loadAll("entities-2")