Analysis packages aiming to measure the fiducial and differential cross section of the Higgs Boson using its 4-leptons decay channel.
Refer to in-folder README for more information
- CreateInputs class -> used to produce histograms and all needed inputs
- EventLoop class -> used to read minitrees and loop over trees
- EvtListScan program -> used to compare 2 lists of events and find (un)matching
- -> used to download to local cluster inputs minitrees ROOT files
- -> used to submit jobs and to handle CreateInputs class
Refer to in-folder README for more information
- Contains addon needed by XsecClass
- -> patches ROOT source
Refer to in-folder README for more information
- WorkSpaceMaker class -> used to read run fiducial and differential cross section measurements (it makes also a ROOT workspace)
- -> used to submit jobs and handle WorkSpaceMaker class
Refer to in-folder README for more information
- DrawFactors program -> used to make histograms of Acceptance, Correction Factor, Efficiency and Migration Matrices, non-fiducial fractions and phase-space fraction
- contains all common features shared along classes inside the whole package
- contains a cross-check code evaluating in another way the quantities needed to perform the fiducial and differential cross section measurement
- run fiducial xsec on single channels
./WorkSpaceMaker --FidChan --doFit
- run fiducial total xsec
./WorkSpaceMaker --FidTotal --doFit
- run fiducial xsec for 4l category
./WorkSpaceMaker --Fid4l --doFit
- run fiducial xsec for 2l2l category
./WorkSpaceMaker --Fid2l2l --doFit
- run fiducial xsec summing all channels
./WorkSpaceMaker --FidSum --doFit
- Previous examples are given without systematics. If you would enable them, just add --addSys at the end of each command
- run differential xsec for pt (for any other variable just change 'pt' with the proper one)
./WorkSpaceMaker --Variable pt --doFit --do2D
- Previous example is given without systematics. If you would enable them, just add --addSys at the end of thecommand