- Added categories and products URL Key field to process.
- Added categories position field to process.
- Added multiple select fields to process.
- Added automatic incremental position to images during their processing.
- Added image roles field to process.
- Added FAQ page.
- Added note to configurable atributes set in product tab, in connector configuration.
- Added Analytics process to send data to SL API.
- Fix for strip_tags with null values
- SL Logs Helper class added.
- Solved bug where additional images weren't beign processed.
- Fix when updating an existing image with same name but different content.
- Configuration option to choose if variant ID are added to their name.
- Column in connector's grid to show items to sync recount and if it has happened, the last cron error.
- Attributes read by attribute set id and stored in memory for validation process.
- Minor changes.
- Folder structure to be compatible with composer.
- Function to obtain a non-used category URL Key when synchronizing category data on each store.
- Auto Sync correction for connectors configured with 24h or more.
- Pagination improvements.
- Minor fixes.
- API version and number of items for pagination options.
- Pagination compatibility when reading from Sales Layer API.
- SalesLayer-Conn class version updated to 1.36.
- Minor fixes.
- Tested on Magento 2.4.3 / PHP 7.4
- Compatibility with MG version 2.4.5-p1 (PHP8).
- Attributes synchronization optimization.
- Optimized index names when processing variants as products.
- Minor fixes.
- Optimized category name assignation process.
- Minor fixes.
- Show table queries modified.
- Is Anchor category field to process.
- Minor fixes.
- Layout category field to process.
- Minor fixes.