- recently, another big change has been introduced to storage landscape: Key-Value SSDs.
- Key-Value SSD aims to store key value pairs at a hardware level
- just replacing block SSD with KV SSD underneath LSM-tree structured key-value store will not work
- LevelKV* is a Key-Value-conscious persistent key-value store with LevelDB as interface
- LevelKV* supports range query and crash consistency
- widely used key-value store based on LSM-trees
- supports range queries, snapshots, etc.
- on-disk log file, in-memory memtable, immutable memtable, seven levels of on-disk Sorted String Table (SSTable) files
- excessive reads and writes that are unnecessary has been one of the major drawbacks of LSM-tree structured key-value store
- in-memory B+-Tree, OpQueue (Operation Queue) and on-SSD CheckNodes (Checkpoint Nodes)
- operation in OpQueue is first transformed into an CheckNode then flushed to KV SSD
- (1) Insertion or deletion operation in OpQueue or 2) Slice (data type in KV SSD interface that is similar to type std::string in c++) type keys that were sorted in the B⁺-Tree have to be transformed into a single key-value pair
- range query: range of queries have to be searched in the B⁺-Tree to get all the indexes; then values are retrieved from KV SSD device by using the internal get function
- log insert, delete operation in the background thread
- when the system crashes and B⁺-Tree and OpQueue structure are lost in memory, LevelKV* recovers the structure by first calling the last indexed CheckNode that is dividable by NUM
- log insert, delete operation in the background thread
- experiments are run on a testing machine with two Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU @ 2.10GHz (24 cores per CPU processors and 64-GB of memory)
- operating system is 64-bit Ubuntu 18.04.03 LTS and the file system used is ext4
- storage device used is 3.84-TB SAMSUNG PM983 SSD, which has both block interface and KV interface
# build kvapi library
export PRJ_HOME=$(pwd)
export KVSSD_HOME=$PRJ_HOME/KVSSD-1.2.0/PDK/core
$KVSSD_HOME/tools/install_deps.sh # install kvapi dependency
mkdir $KVSSD_HOME/build
cd $KVSSD_HOME/build
make -j4
# copy libkvapi.so
mkdir $PRJ_HOME/libs
cp $KVSSD_HOME/build/libkvapi.so $PRJ_HOME/libs/
export PRJ_HOME=$(pwd)
cd $PRJ_HOME/test
make lsm # lsm index
make btree # btree index
Configure DB options by environment: (please refer to include/levelkv/options.h)
export PREFETCH_PREFETCH_DEPTH=16 # any integer
Note: please keep the kvssd_emul.conf file in the executable file directory. This configuration file override the default configuration by disabling the iops model (run faster).
export PRJ_HOME=$(pwd)
cd $PRJ_HOME/test