DRY Principle is don't write same code again and again so, reducing redundancy.
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/salmanwaheed/bash-lib/master/install.sh)"
To Use
# check whether command is existed or not
has_pkg <COMMAND>
# install package without foreground process
ins_pkg <PACKAGE-NAME>
# register package without foreground process
reg_pkg <PACKAGE-NAME>
# to remove package without foreground process
# get me some randon values
random <STRING> <LIMIT>
For development or contribution
- Download repo with any project name.
- You must use
export BL_ENV='dev'
for development environment or, echo 'export BL_ENV='dev' >> ~/.zshrc or ~/.bashrc
- to remove dev environment
unset BL_ENV