A Laravel 5 and Laravel 6 package to calculate distance between two longitude and latitudes
composer require salmanzafar/laravel-geo-fence
This package implements Laravel auto-discovery feature. After you install it the package provider and facade are added automatically for laravel >= 5.5.
This step is only required if you are using laravel version <5.5
To declare the provider and/or alias explicitly, then add the service provider to your config/app.php:
'providers' => [
And then add the alias to your config/app.php:
'aliases' => [
'GeoFence' => \Salman\GeoFence\Facades\GeoFence::class,
Publish the configuration file
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Salman\GeoFence\GeoFenceServiceProvider"
return [
"unit" => "k" // get result in kilometers
// change unit to M/m to get result in Miles
use Salman\GeoFence\Service\GeoFenceCalculator;
public function distance()
$d_calculator = new GeoFenceCalculator();
$distance = $d_calculator->CalculateDistance('38.199020', '-77.969658', '37.090240', '-95.712891');
return $distance;
output: 1564.6
use use GeoFence;
public function distance()
$distance = GeoFence::CalculateDistance('38.199020', '-77.969658', '37.090240', '-95.712891');
return $distance;
output: 1564.6
php artisan geo:fence
* Welcome To Geo Fence Calculator *
Enter latitude 1: :
> 38.199020
Enter latitude 2: :
> 37.090240
Enter Longitude 1: :
> -77.969658
Enter Longitude 2: :
> -95.712891
Enter Unit k\M: :
> K
Measured distance is: 1564.6 K