Library to to embed AWS Secret Access Keys inside an HSM device through PKCS #11, Trusted Platform Module and Hashicorp Vault.
The critical feature is, once the AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
checks in, it never checks out, like a roach motel. You ask the HSM and TPM to issue HMAC signature you can ultimately use for AWS Signatures v4 or more commonly, to access AWS resources.
This repo provides four ways to protect the aws secret:
Embed the secret into an
an access it viaPKCS11
Embed the secret into an
an access it viago-tpm
Wrap the secret using
and access it viaTINK
NOTE: This code is NOT Supported by Google; its just a POC. caveat emptor
- For TPM based process credentials, see AWS Process Credentials for Trusted Platform Module (TPM)
- For HSM based process credentials, see AWS Process Credentials for Hardware Security Module (HSM) with PKCS11
For concrete usage see:
While you can embed many types of keys to hardware like TPM
or HSM
or software key management system like Vault
, applying those embedded keys to authenticate to AWS requires some background on how AWS signatures work.
The AWS Signing protocol uses the AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
to create an HMAC signature by first adding a small prefix (AWS4
) to the key.
What that means is if we can embed AWS4$AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
into an HSM, we can ask it to perform an HMAC to kick off the first step in the whole signature process:
Once we have the ability to generate an HMAC, we can ask the TPM for the first application and then perform the rest of the chain of operations outside. The chain itself is shown in the diagram above and described here
This repo provides two variations to access AWS:
- Create a raw Signed AWS Request to access via REST
- Create an AWS SDK
which uses the HMAC signer as a credential provider for any go SDK for AWS.
Basically, this repo provides an AWS Credential
and a Signerv4
. You can use the former for any sdk operation and the later for standalone REST calls to AWS.
AWS SDK's require an actual AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
to perform its signature operation and cant' be 'given' a presigned URL to use.
This makes it a bit complicated on how to use an embedded key for an SDK which never sees the light of day outside of an HSM.
The workaround employed in this repo is a two step process to get a temporary AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
derived from an initial Signerv4 request:
- use the HSM embedded HMAC key to generate an AWS API call for either:
Both APIs below will return a new temporary
and for the assumerole, a session. -
Use these new keys as inputs to AWS Clients though a custom Credential object from this repo.
To use these samples end-to-end, you must hae an aws user, role and 'assumeRole" permissions as shown in the appendix
You can find example README files for each mode under example/
You can use a signer to make an authenticate API calls directly.
TO use this mode, initialize any of the HSM backends. The following uses KMS and Tink to sign a REST API for GetCallerIdentity
tinkSigner, err := hmacsigner.NewTinkSigner(&hmacsigner.TinkSignerConfig{
TinkConfig: hmacsigner.TinkConfig{
KmsBackend: backend,
JSONBytes: keysetbytes, // this is the keyset bytes, i'm using json keyset
AccessKeyID: *accessKeyID,
hmacSigner := hmacsignerv4.NewSigner()
fmt.Println("-------------------------------- Calling HTTP GET on GetCallerIdentity using Tink Signer")
emptyBody := strings.NewReader("")
getCallerIdentityRequest, err := http.NewRequest(http.MethodGet, "", emptyBody)
hmacSigner.SignHTTP(ctx, *tinkSigner, getCallerIdentityRequest, emptyPayloadHash, "sts", *awsRegion, time.Now())
getResponse, err := http.DefaultClient.Do(getCallerIdentityRequest)
defer getResponse.Body.Close()
var getCallerIdentityResponseStruct stsschema.GetCallerIdentityResponse
getResponseData, err := io.ReadAll(getResponse.Body)
err = xml.Unmarshal(getResponseData, &getCallerIdentityResponseStruct)
log.Printf("GetCallerIdentityResponse UserID %s\n", getCallerIdentityResponseStruct.CallerIdentityResult.UserId)
// first read the keyset from disk
keysetbytes, err := os.ReadFile(*in)
tinkSigner, err := hmacsigner.NewTinkSigner(&hmacsigner.TinkSignerConfig{
TinkConfig: hmacsigner.TinkConfig{
KmsBackend: backend,
JSONBytes: keysetbytes,
AccessKeyID: *accessKeyID,
hmacSigner := hmacsignerv4.NewSigner()
sessionCredentials, err := hmaccred.NewAWSTinkCredentials(hmaccred.TINKProvider{
GetSessionTokenInput: &sts.GetSessionTokenInput{
DurationSeconds: aws.Int32(3600),
Version: "2011-06-15",
Region: *awsRegion,
TinkSigner: tinkSigner,
assumeRoleCredentials, err := hmaccred.NewAWSTinkCredentials(hmaccred.TINKProvider{
AssumeRoleInput: &sts.AssumeRoleInput{
RoleArn: aws.String(*roleARN),
RoleSessionName: aws.String(roleSessionName),
DurationSeconds: aws.Int32(3600),
Version: "2011-06-15",
Region: *awsRegion,
TinkSigner: tinkSigner,
// for sessiontokens:
cfg, err := config.LoadDefaultConfig(context.TODO(), config.WithRegion(*awsRegion), config.WithCredentialsProvider(sessionCredentials))
stssvc := sts.NewFromConfig(cfg, func(o *sts.Options) {
o.Region = *awsRegion
stsresp, err := stssvc.GetCallerIdentity(ctx, &sts.GetCallerIdentityInput{})
fmt.Printf("STS Identity from API %s\n", *stsresp.UserId)
// for assume role and s3
fmt.Println("-------------------------------- Calling s3 list buckets using Tink Signer with AssumeRole")
s3cfg2, err := config.LoadDefaultConfig(context.TODO(), config.WithRegion(*awsRegion), config.WithCredentialsProvider(assumeRoleCredentials))
s3svc2 := s3.NewFromConfig(s3cfg2, func(o *s3.Options) {
o.Region = *awsRegion
result2, err := s3svc2.ListBuckets(ctx, input)
With this, you are embedding the HMAC key INTO an HSM. When you then need to access the secret, you ask the HSM to generate an HMAC for the AWS v4 signing process. At no time does the client ever see the secret after it is embedded: the actual HMAC is done within the HSM.
Once the key is embedded into an HSM, you can access it to sign, verify, etc but the key is ever exposed
$ pkcs11-tool --module /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/softhsm/ --list-objects --pin mynewpin
Secret Key Object; unknown key algorithm 43
label: HMACKey
ID: 0100
Usage: verify
Access: sensitive
The big advantage of (2,3) is clear, the HSM owns the key and is not exportable: nobody will see the raw key once thats done but yet you can use it to create an AWS s4 sign.
Similar to PKCS but here you are not using the cumbersome overlay that PKCS requires and directly using the embedded token from a Trusted Platform Module (TPM)
To use this mode, your AWS must already be encoded to the TPM.
You can do this directly on the TPM
or remotely through a process like duplicate:
Please note the default signer here requires a persistentHandle. If you would rather save/load from files, please file an issue (its relatively easy to adapt the import and signing), see
You can also pass through an authorized session incase you bound the key to a policy like PCRPolicy
or PasswordPolicy
In (4) you are using KMS to encrypt the Secret and save it in encrypted format. When you need to access the Secret to make it generate an AWS v4 signing request, the raw Secret is automatically decrypted by TINK using KMS and made to HMAC sign. The user will never need to "see" the secret but it is true that the key gets decrypted locally... You will also need to have access to KMS in the first place so this example is a bit convoluted. Use this if you already have access to another cloud providers KMS (eg GCP KMS), then use that decrypt the Key and then make it sign though the utility of this mechanism is limited since the hmac key is decrypted locally ultimately.
The encrypted Key would look like the following:
"encryptedKeyset": "CiUAmT+VVWAVKQZfFW6UheHPI1E3VmvTFlv2C4cspNaqpbxc8YvEEqUBACsKZVI1IW8U+86r2Yset0WOKwnggDitP0hi0oUapgOrF4W7Pklrbso93gfMoNDVw2QCWW4HwJwKzElQRi3zWHuL6NJP4t/t2VtIWORgWLz76zpH7+JWn6IrlqA/M4sammN0kAn+ZcgiG6kCvoMXzczUz3jzyk96Uz6U2LIuZb+bFaCasMYyka2fpSndMQ2SxpmHbVSe2AvhBVMLhM29LOcio41D",
"keysetInfo": {
"primaryKeyId": 2596996162,
"keyInfo": [
"typeUrl": "",
"status": "ENABLED",
"keyId": 2596996162,
"outputPrefixType": "RAW"
Some references for TINK and PKCS11: