Copied from gRPC on Gateway Controller (besides, i wrote that example anyway :)
Sample showing gRPC clients connecting via GKE Gateway.
- Deploy gRPC application on GKE
- Enable Gateways to handle both internet facing and internal-only traffic.
- Verify gRPC LoadBalancing through Gateway
note that GKE does not support TLS grpc healthchecks. Since the gRPC service in this example uses TLS, we use a http->grpc healthcheck proxy
gcloud container clusters create cluster-grpc \
--zone us-central1-a --gateway-api=standard --num-nodes 3 --enable-ip-alias
cd gke_gateway
optionally create SSL Certificate for use with statically defined certificates (
gcloud compute ssl-certificates create gcp-cert-grpc-global --global --certificate server.crt --private-key server.key
gcloud compute ssl-certificates create gcp-cert-grpc-us-central --region=us-central1 --certificate server.crt --private-key server.key
or use the default spec.listeners.tls.certificateRef
. For reference see GatewayClass capabilities
Wait maybe 10 mins for the Gateway controllers to get initialized.
Deploy application
kubectl apply -f .
Please note the deployments here use the health_check proxy and sample gRPC applications hosted on
. You can build and deploy these images into your own repository as well.
Wait another 8mins for the IP address for the loadbalancers to get initialized
Check gateway status
$ kubectl get gatewayclass,gateway
NAME CONTROLLER ACCEPTED AGE True 72m True 72m True 72m True 72m
NAME CLASS ADDRESS PROGRAMMED AGE gke-l7-global-external-managed True 2m59s gke-l7-rilb True 2m59s
kubectl describe gateway gke-l7-gxlb-gw
Get Gateway IPs
export GW_XLB_VIP=$(kubectl get gateway gke-l7-gxlb-gw -o json | jq '.status.addresses[].value' -r)
echo $GW_XLB_VIP
export GW_ILB_VIP=$(kubectl get gateway gke-l7-rilb-gw -o json | jq '.status.addresses[].value' -r)
echo $GW_ILB_VIP
Verify external loadbalancing by transmitting 10 RPCs over one channel. The responses will show different pods that handled each request
docker run --add-host$GW_XLB_VIP \
-t salrashid123/grpc_backend /grpc_client \
2024/03/29 12:53:33 RPC Response: 0 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-6478dd7c9-r7jw2"
2024/03/29 12:53:34 RPC Response: 1 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-6478dd7c9-r7jw2"
2024/03/29 12:53:35 RPC Response: 2 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-6478dd7c9-wv7jn"
2024/03/29 12:53:36 RPC Response: 3 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-6478dd7c9-r7jw2"
2024/03/29 12:53:37 RPC Response: 4 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-6478dd7c9-wv7jn"
2024/03/29 12:53:38 RPC Response: 5 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-6478dd7c9-wv7jn"
2024/03/29 12:53:39 RPC Response: 6 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-6478dd7c9-r7jw2"
2024/03/29 12:53:40 RPC Response: 7 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-6478dd7c9-r7jw2"
2024/03/29 12:53:41 RPC Response: 8 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-6478dd7c9-r7jw2"
2024/03/29 12:53:42 RPC Response: 9 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-6478dd7c9-wv7jn"
To test the internal loadbalancer, you must configure a VM from within an allocated network and export the environment variable $GW_ILB_VIP
locally. You can either install docker on that VM or Go. Once that is done, invoke the Gateway using the ILB address:
docker run --add-host$GW_ILB_VIP \
-t salrashid123/grpc_backend /grpc_client \
2024/03/29 12:52:10 RPC Response: 0 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-6478dd7c9-wv7jn"
2024/03/29 12:52:11 RPC Response: 1 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-6478dd7c9-r7jw2"
2024/03/29 12:52:12 RPC Response: 2 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-6478dd7c9-wv7jn"
2024/03/29 12:52:13 RPC Response: 3 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-6478dd7c9-r7jw2"
2024/03/29 12:52:14 RPC Response: 4 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-6478dd7c9-wv7jn"
2024/03/29 12:52:15 RPC Response: 5 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-6478dd7c9-r7jw2"
2024/03/29 12:52:16 RPC Response: 6 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-6478dd7c9-wv7jn"
2024/03/29 12:52:17 RPC Response: 7 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-6478dd7c9-r7jw2"
2024/03/29 12:52:18 RPC Response: 8 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-6478dd7c9-wv7jn"
2024/03/29 12:52:19 RPC Response: 9 message:"Hello unary RPC msg from hostname fe-deployment-6478dd7c9-r7jw2"
Source images used in this example can be found here: