Ruby version: 2.5.8
Rails version:
PostgreSQL version: 15
Configuration: see the README.docker.md file
The main purpose of the Application is to check if a person is found in either the EU sanctions lists or the UN sanctions list. The verification process is done synchronously, using the following details about the person: Full Name, Birth Date, Citizenship & Gender. All of these details should exist in order to perform the check.
The DB contains 2 tables:
- sanctionable_entities
- users
See the schema.rb file for more details.
Route: api/v1/sanctions/check_persons
POST => localhost:9009/api/v1/sanctions/check_persons
Required header: APP_SECRET:
All data should be wrapped in the data field.
list_of_persons - array which contains objects with persons details (Limit: max 3 persons)
- Mandatory fields in person object:
fields - object with person fields
Possible values are:
Note: All fields are mandatory
fields_to_check - array of strings, contains field names
Example: ["full_name", "date_of_birth", "citizenship", "gender"]
- Mandatory fields in person object:
meta - object.
- Mandatory fields in meta object:
- client_id - string
- client_email - string
- Mandatory fields in meta object:
Request >
"data": {
"list_of_persons": [
"fields_to_check": [
"fields": {
"full_name": "said jhan",
"account_type": "personal",
"date_of_birth": "1972-01-01",
"place_of_birth": "some place of birth",
"gender": "M",
"residence_address": "address",
"citizenship": "AF"
"fields_to_check": [
"fields": {
"full_name": "tariq aziz",
"account_type": "personal",
"date_of_birth": "1936-07-01",
"place_of_birth": "some place of birth",
"gender": "M",
"residence_address": "address",
"citizenship": "IQ"
"meta": {
"client_id": "123123",
"client_email": "client@mail.com"
Response >
"results_of_verification": [
"person_details": {
"full_name": "said jhan",
"citizenship": "AF",
"date_of_birth": "1972-01-01",
"gender": "M"
"detected": true,
"sanctionable_entities": [
"id": 403
"id": 4054
"person_details": {
"full_name": "tariq aziz",
"citizenship": "IQ",
"date_of_birth": "1936-07-01",
"gender": "M"
"detected": true,
"sanctionable_entities": [
"id": 21
"id": 3571
"client_id": "123123"