[The Odin Project: Javascript] - Project: Memory Card
This project was used as an introduction to React Hook and Lifecycle methods. Since I had some exposure to React, I pushed myself:
- To practice creating Reusable components.
- In using semantic tags since I wanted to start creating good accessibility habits
- Use Gatsby to get familiar with this framework
- Continue using Sass
Project Task: The Odin Project - Memory Card
View Project: http://theodinproject_sv_memorygame.surge.sh/
I pushed myself to learn Gatsby! I heard of this framework and this has been my first exposure to it! It is great. I really like how it simplifies the Metadata of the website that allows it be configured easily. I know there are so many benefits to it. I will learn more about it.
Used Dribbel to get inspiration for the fonts and design of the web app. Inspiration from Craftverse Website Design. This lead me to creating a style guide.
- Segoe UI
Color Hex Turquoise #2cd1c7
Black #111029
Yellow #d1da0e
Turquoise Hover #2fc2b9
I learned how useState replaces, it never merges. This explains why during my previous projects i had to do the following. I had to do it like this since if I did not include '...resumeData' it will just replace the data!
resumeData[key]: value
I also learned the following about useEffect
- I learned that the effects take effect after each render. It is better to think of effects instead of mounting and updating
- When you leave the useEffect empty, it will only be run once. This is similar to componentDidMount
useEffect(() => { // Do something }, []);
- If we add a dependency array, the effect inside useEffect will only be activated if there is a change in dependency changes. So this will be useful in the case the state changes or the prop changes
useEffect(() => { // Do something }, [color]);
- If you leave out the dependency array, the effect will be activated everytime the component is updated. So after every render
Leave out the dependency array. useEffect(() => { // Do something });
- React
- React Bootstrap
- Dribble
- Sass
- Surge.sh
- Gatsby