Here you will find all the projects that I completed along with their GitHub Repo for the NodeJS module in the Odin Project.
The course consisted of 17 lessons and 7 projects. Some of the concepts I learned:
- Setting up a backend with NodeJS and ExpressJS
- Using MongoDB as my database
- CRUD & MVC Patterns
- Setting up authentication using PassportJS
- How to serve views from the backends using EJS (Embedded JavaScript templating)
- Creating APIs that serve multiple Frontends
- Deploying backend apps using Heroku
- Unit Testing (Jest)
The projects were more focused on the Backend. I challenged myself to practice my Frontend skills by:
- Using TypeScript instead of plain JavaScript
- Setting up TypeScript and Gastby projects
- SWR Hooks for better API fetchings and mutations
- Creating my own reusable hooks
- Using SWR Hooks I no longer needed to depend on parent child components for passing down data.
- I learned how efficient a library like SWR Hooks can be over React Context and Redux
- Dribble (For design inspiration)
- Gatsby Framework
- Netlify
- Blog User View
- Blog Admin View
- Blog API
- Odin Book API
- Odin Book Client