This program computes GC contents in the genome and CDS sequence if presented as a multifasta file.
prokgc \
--cds examples/example_cds.fasta \
--genome examples/example_genome.fasta \
--header \
--taxid 62977
produces the following output :
which can be piped to the
wonderful csvtk pretty
command to
get :
taxid n_chr genome_len genome_gc genome_n n_seq n_good_seq cds_cumlen gc_cds gc1 gc2 gc3
62977 1 4809037 2505158 0 4600 4473 4073316 2167988 804625 559570 803793
This program is designed to computes the number of GC bases in a multi-fasta file containing the whole genome sequence and the number of GC bases in a multi-fasta file containing the coding sequences only.
- taxid: the taxid provided via
- n_chr: the number of chromosome in the genome file
- genome_len: cumulated chromosome length
- genome_gc: number of GC bases in the genome file
- genome_n: number of N bases in the genome file.
- n_seq: number of sequences in the CDS file
- n_good_seq: number of sequences with length multiple of 3 and a canonical stop codon.
- cds_cumlen: cumulated CDS length
- gc_cds: number of GC bases in the CDS file
- gcX: number of GC bases at codon position X
This program uses the kseq.h
header from
the klib library and is
really fast :
time (prokgc -c example_cds.fasta -g example_genome.fasta -t 1234 --header)
# => 0.05s user 0.01s system 81% cpu 0.083 total
This speed is attained by being somewhat laxist on the type of data provided, and is not a strict verification of the fasta specification agreement like can be done in BioPerl or BioPython.
It also works on gzipped compressed multi-fasta file without prior decompression.
prokgc --help
to get :
prokgc [OPTION?] - computes gc contents
Computes number of GC bases in the genome and coding sequences in three
codons positions.
Help Options:
-h, --help Show help options
Application Options:
-H, --header Print csv header
-c, --cds CDS sequence file
-g, --genome genome sequence file
-t, --taxid Taxon ID of corresponding organism
This script computes cds_gc contents in a multi-fasta file using kseq.h
included in the htseq library. It prints out a summary of the number of
chromosomes, the genome length, the number of GC and N bases, the number
of sequences in the CDS file, the number of sequence with canonical stop
codon, the cumulated length of coding sequences, the number of GC bases
in CDS, and the number of GC at positions 1, 2 and 3 of codons.
Return a csv file to STDOUT without header by default, with a header if
--header is specified.
Download a copy of the release here and install using
tar xvzf prokgc-0.0.1.tar.gz
cd prokgc-0.0.1
make install
If last step is unsuccessful, try running it as sudo
This software requires glib-2.0 >= 2.50
. MacOS users can download a
recent glib version with
brew install glib
Linux users either have a recent glib version or can follow the
here. glib
is made for portability and should be easy to install on most platforms.
The kseq.h
header is included in
the klib library under
the MIT/X11 licence and was not written by me. The MIT licence is
permissive and GPL3 compatible.
This software is distributed without any warranty under the term of the GNU Public Licence 3.0, as mentioned in the enclosed LICENCE file.