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Webpack 4 demo

Working around webpack 4, trying available features. Steps to build projects


  1. Added an index.js in src directory. And try command yarn run webpack. Output file should be created in dist directory. Build as per default configurations. yarn run webpack -p or npm run webpack -- -p

  2. Adding npm scripts for environment builds using -- operator.

  3. Setting up debugging for node process & webpack npm run debugthis and npm run debug. "debug":"node --inspect --inspect-brk ./node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js"

  4. Webpack watch mode configured npm run dev -- --watch

  5. ESM & Commonjs syntax used in different files i.e export & exports. Webpack still was able to bundle your files.

  6. Treeshaking / dead code elimination by statically analyzing the code

  7. Creating a webpack.config.js and setting a mode as none

module.exports = {
	mode: 'none'
  1. Webpack bundle walkthrough using command npm run webpack. Go through the build file(main.js) to undestand how webpack runtime works.

  2. Webpack input, output & loaders configurations


module: {
	rules: [
		{test: /\.ts$/, use: 'ts-loader'},
		{test: /\.js$/, use: 'babel-loader'},
		{test: /\.css$/, use: 'css-loader'}
module: {
	rules: [
			test: regex,
			use: (Array|String|Function),
			include: RegExp[],
			exclude: RegExp[],
			issuer: (RegExp|String)[],
			enforce: 'pre'|'post'
  1. Chaining loaders - Tells webpack how to interpret and translate files. Transformed on a per-file basis before adding to the dependency graph.

  2. Webpack plugins a. objects (with and apply property) b. Allow to hook into the entire compilation lifecyle c. lots / varities of available plugins

  3. Basic plugin example - Plugin is an ES5 'class' which implements an apply function. The compiler uses it to emit events

function SamplePlugin(){} = function(compiler){
	if(typeof(process) !== 'undefined'){
		compiler.plugin('done', function(stats){

		compiler.plugin('failed', function(err){

module.exports = SamplePlugin

//require() from node_modules or webpack or local file
modules.exports = {
		new SamplePlugin()
  1. Webpack config - npm run prod
module.exports = ({mode}) => {
	return {
		output: {
			filename: 'bundle.js'
  1. Adding webpack plugins - Starting with html-webpack-plugin & progressPlugin

  2. Adding webpack-dev-server for development environment. Try command npm run dev. You can see a button added to the browser & changes are reflecting instantly.

  3. Splitting environment config files, using webpack-merge & modeConfigs const modeConfig = env => require(./build-utils/webpack.${env})(env)

  4. Setting default preset configurations ({ mode, presets } = { mode: 'production', presets: [] })

  5. You can add a production config to override the ouput file and run npm run prod

  6. Using css with webpack development flow. Every change reloads the browser to inject the change.

"dev":"npm run webpack-dev-server -- --env.mode development",
  1. Hot module replacement with css using --hot flag
"dev":"npm run webpack-dev-server -- --env.mode development --hot"
  1. File loader & Url loader - url-loader uses file-loader under the hood so we are installing both at the same time. And in webpack.config.js we can only see url-loader but not file-loader as of now.

  2. Implementing a managable way of configuring presets. Found this to be one of the elegant way i have came across yet. Run command npm run prod everything working. Now we can start adding different preset / experimentation configurations those can be composed together.

  3. Implementing webpack-bundle-analyzer preset. You can try prod analyze the build by running npm run prod:analyze


Quick webpack setup







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