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Lens Optic ( bidirectional accessor) for nested data manipulation using GADT

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Haskell Lens Implementation


This is a toy implementation for educational purposes only, I am learning Haskell. This code is not production-ready and for sure contains bugs.


Toy implementation of a lens system in Haskell, providing a flexible way to access and modify nested data structures.


  1. Provide a type-safe mechanism for accessing and modifying nested data.
  2. Ensure lens compatibility and composition at the type level.
  3. Demonstrate advanced Haskell type system features in a practical context.


Lens Class

    class Lens {
        +get(b: B): A
        +put(a: A, b: B): B
        +|(other: Lens): PairedLens
        +->(other: Lens): ChainedLens
    class PairedLens {
        +f: Lens
        +g: Lens
        +get(mem: C): (A, B)
        +put(ab: (A, B), mem: C): C
        +isPair(): IsPair
    class ChainedLens {
        +f: Lens
        +g: Lens
        +get(mem: C): A
        +put(a: A, mem: C): C
        +isChain(): IsChain
    class Fst {
        +get(b: (A, B)): A
        +put(a: A, b: (A, B)): (A, B)
    class Snd {
        +get(b: (A, B)): B
        +put(a: B, b: (A, B)): (A, B)
    class Compatible {
    Lens <|-- PairedLens
    Lens <|-- ChainedLens
    Lens <|-- Fst
    Lens <|-- Snd
    PairedLens --> Compatible: uses
    ChainedLens --> Compatible: uses


    participant Client
    participant LensA
    participant LensB
    participant PairedLens
    participant ChainedLens
    participant Compatible

    Client->>LensA: Create LensA
    Client->>LensB: Create LensB
    Client->>Compatible: claim(LensA, LensB)
    Compatible-->>Client: Compatible instance
    Client->>LensA: LensA | LensB
    LensA->>PairedLens: new PairedLens(LensA, LensB, Compatible)
    PairedLens-->>Client: PairedLens instance
    Client->>LensA: LensA -> LensB
    LensA->>ChainedLens: new ChainedLens(LensA, LensB)
    ChainedLens-->>Client: ChainedLens instance


1. Core Lens Type

data Lens a b where
  Lens :: { get :: b -> a
          , put :: a -> b -> b
          } -> Lens a b

The Lens type is the foundation of our system. It represents a bidirectional accessor for a value of type a within a structure of type b.

The get function extracts the value, while the put function updates it.

2. Lens Compatibility

type family Compatible (f :: Type) (g :: Type) :: Bool

data IsCompatible f g where
  Compatible :: Compatible f g ~ 'True => IsCompatible f g

We use a type family Compatible to represent lens compatibility at the type level. The IsCompatible GADT serves as a proof of compatibility, which can be used as a constraint in other types and functions.

3. Paired and Chained Lenses

data PairedLens a b c where
  PairedLens :: (Compatible f g ~ 'True) =>
                { fst :: Lens a c
                , snd :: Lens b c
                } -> PairedLens a b c

data ChainedLens a b c where
  ChainedLens :: { outer :: Lens b c
                 , inner :: Lens a b
                 } -> ChainedLens a b c

These types represent composed lenses. PairedLens combines two compatible lenses focusing on different parts of the same structure, while ChainedLens composes two lenses sequentially.

4. Composition Operators

(|) :: (Compatible f g ~ 'True) => Lens a c -> Lens b c -> PairedLens a b c
f | g = PairedLens f g

(-->) :: Lens b c -> Lens a b -> ChainedLens a b c
f --> g = ChainedLens f g

These operators provide a convenient syntax for composing lenses. The | operator creates a paired lens, while --> creates a chained lens.

5. Implementation Functions

getPaired :: PairedLens a b c -> c -> (a, b)
putPaired :: PairedLens a b c -> (a, b) -> c -> c

getChained :: ChainedLens a b c -> c -> a
putChained :: ChainedLens a b c -> a -> c -> c

These functions implement the get and put operations for PairedLens and ChainedLens, respectively.

6. Compatibility Claims

class ClaimCompatible f g where
  claimCompatible :: IsCompatible f g

instance ClaimCompatible (Lens Int String) (Lens Bool String) where
  claimCompatible = Compatible

The ClaimCompatible type class allows users to declare compatibility between specific lens types. This is crucial for enabling the composition of custom lenses.

7. Helper Functions

useLens :: Lens a b -> (b -> a, a -> b -> b)
usePairedLens :: PairedLens a b c -> (c -> (a, b), (a, b) -> c -> c)
useChainedLens :: ChainedLens a b c -> (c -> a, a -> c -> c)

These functions provide a convenient way to use different types of lenses, returning tuples of getter and setter functions.

Usage Example


Demonstrates how to create simple lenses, compose them into more complex lenses, and use them to update nested data structures.

type Person = (String, Int)
type Address = (String, String)
type ContactInfo = (Person, Address)

nameLens :: Lens String Person
nameLens = Lens { get = fst, put = \name (_, age) -> (name, age) }

ageLens :: Lens Int Person
ageLens = Lens { get = snd, put = \age (name, _) -> (name, age) }

-- Creating a paired lens
personLens :: PairedLens String Int Person
personLens = nameLens | ageLens

-- Creating a chained lens
nameInContactInfo :: ChainedLens String Person ContactInfo
nameInContactInfo = fstLens --> nameLens

-- Using a lens
updateName :: String -> ContactInfo -> ContactInfo
updateName newName = snd (useChainedLens nameInContactInfo) newName




Lens Optic ( bidirectional accessor) for nested data manipulation using GADT







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