The following project consisted of writing scripts using bash syntax and interpretation to do various things in a Linux terminal. The primary purpose of this project was to get familiar with bash, bash scripting, and the Linux terminal as a whole. Additionally, there are projects in networking, web infrastructure, web servers, load balancers, firewalls, HTTPS, SSH, and other parts of the web stack.
- Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS (trusty)
- Vagrant 2.0.1 (Virtualbox)
- bash 4.3.11
- NGINX 1.4.6
- HAProxy 1.5 and 1.6
- ufw 0.45~rc-0ubuntu2
- Puppet 3.4.3
- 0x00-shell_basics
- 0x01-shell_permissions
- 0x02-shell_redirections
- 0x03-shell_variables_expansions
- 0x04-loops_conditions_and_parsing
- 0x05-processes_and_signals
- 0x06-regular_expressions
- 0x07-networking_basics
- 0x08-networking_basics_2
- 0x09-web_infrastructure_design
- 0x0A-configuration_management
- 0x0B-ssh
- 0x0C-web_server
- 0x0D-web_stack_debugging_0
- 0x0E-web_stack_debugging_1
- 0x0F-load_balancer
- 0x10-https_ssl
- 0x12-web_stack_debugging_2
- 0x13-firewall
- 0x14-mysql
- 0x15-api
- 0x16-api_advanced
- Sammy Guttman - samisosa20