- ▲ Based on latest Next.js
- 💅 Styling with TailwindCSS
- ✳️ Hooks for fetching, caching and updating asynchronous data in React React Query
- 🐻 Hooks based state management libraryZustand
- 🐐 Unit testing with Jest & react-testing-library
- ⚡️ E2E testing with Cypress
- ⛔ ESLint – Find and fix problems in your JavaScript code. Following Airbnb style guide.
- 🎀 Prettier – An opinionated code formatter, supporting multiple languages and code editors
- 🐺 Husky – Modern native Git hooks made easy
- 💩 lint-staged – Run linters against staged git files and don't let 💩 slip into your code base
- 📓 commitlint – Helps your team adhering to a commit convention
git clone https://github.com/samiur-r/square-feet.git
cd square-feet
npm install
npm run dev
Then open http://localhost:3000/
to see the app.
Builds the production application in the .next folder.
npm run build
Starts the application in production mode.
npm run start
Runs ESLint static code analysis based on your .eslintrc
npm run lint
Runs Jest unit tests to validate changes between commits
npm run test
- Create a new branch from 'develop' with a standard name(e.g. feat/create-x-feature, hotfix/x-bug).
- Code, test, commit and push your branch. Create a PR into 'develop'.
- Ask for PR review from an appropriate reviewer.