A cozy theme for late desert nights or early mornings
- no pastel, high contrast for the most part
- kinda nice looking
- support for some plugins/tools (more on the way)
Supported neovim plugins
Tools supported other than neovim. You can find their respective theme in extras. You can always submit a PR for any tool that is missing 💙
lazy = false,
priority = 1000,
opts = {},
use { "sample-usr/rakis.nvim" }
vim.cmd[[colorscheme rakis]]
colorscheme rakis
You can set the light
or dark
mode using the vim background options
vim.o.background = "dark"
Below is an example of all the available configuration options with their default values:
-- Enable transparent background
transparent = false,
-- Enable italics comments
italic_comments = false,
-- Replace all fillchars with ' '
hide_fillchars = false,
-- Borderless look for telescope
borderless_telescope = true,
-- Set terminal colors used in `:terminal`
terminal_colors = true,
-- Improve start up time by caching highlights. Generate cache with :RakisBuildCache and clear with :RakisClearCache
cache = false,
theme = {
variant = "default", -- use "light" for the light variant. Also accepts "auto" to set dark or light colors based on the current value of `vim.o.background`
highlights = {
-- Highlight groups to override, adding new groups is also possible
-- See `:h highlight-groups` for a list of highlight groups or run `:hi` to see all groups and their current values
-- Example:
Comment = { fg = "#696969", bg = "NONE", italic = true },
-- Override a highlight group entirely using the color palette
overrides = function(colors) -- NOTE: This function nullifies the `highlights` option
-- Example:
return {
Comment = { fg = colors.green, bg = "NONE", italic = true },
["@property"] = { fg = colors.magenta, bold = true },
-- Override a color entirely
colors = {
-- Example:
bg = "#000000",
bg_highlight = "#00ff00",
-- Disable or enable colorscheme extensions
extensions = {
telescope = true,
nvim_notify = true,
mini = true,
Inspired by