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Solidabis koodihaaste 2022

Project description

I wrote the frontend in React and didn't make any changes to the backend. The frontend is free software, licensed under GNU AGPLv3. I wanted to try a CSS framework that has the look of an old computer UI. 98.css proved to be a good framework as it relies on semantic HTML and didn't make me write class names on every component. The frontend was built for desktops (as I suppose that would be what users at many workplaces would have), but it should work well on mobile, too.

Coding the project was fun, and even though I was already somewhat familiar with React, I learned new things. Unit testing React application felt a bit difficult, and I'm afraid many of my tests are too much focused on implementation details like precise wordings. However, tests are located in the same directory as the components, so keeping them up-to-date shouldn't be too tedious. I also found bugs in my components while writing tests, so it was totally worth it!

I'm proud of my voting mechanism's smoothness and some little details, like closing restaurant list windows from the title bar and automatically loading city list based on either localStorage saved values or results list. I also think the dockerized production setup is cool. There is still room for improvement, for example the behavior of the city selection input (modifying text anywhere else than at the end of it doesn't work well), testing, error handling and handling situations of having the app open on many browser tabs. It'd also be cool if the windows could be moved around by dragging the title bars, but that doesn't seem necessary. To make this application more usable, it should have the possibility to create lunch groups, and have more restaurants than it currently does.



  • React (frontend framework)
  • Axios (requests to backend)
  • 98.css (CSS design system)
  • SASS (styles)

Development and support tools

  • Node LTS 16 (React transpiling, testing, linting)
  • Mozilla Firefox 91.8.0esr (web browser)
  • ESLint (code linting)
  • Jest, React Testing Library (unit testing)
  • Cypress (end-to-end testing)
  • Docker, Docker Compose (production containers and orchestration)
    • Alpine Linux (container operating system)
    • Nginx (web server)
  • Debian GNU/Linux bookworm/sid (development machine operating system)
  • Neovim (my text editor of choice)
  • Lily58 (keyboard 😄)

Development setup

In project root, run both backend and frontend:


docker run -p 8080:8080 solidabis/koodihaaste22:latest


cd frontend
npm install
npm start

Code linting and testing:

# in frontend directory

npm run lint

# all tests
# NB! cypress tests assume that there are no votes given
# restart/reset backend if necessary
# additionally, frontend must be running while e2e testing
npm run tests

# jest unit tests
CI=true npm test

# open cypress to run e2e tests manually
npm run cypress

Please note that npm run tests requires that both backend and frontend are running, as they are not started automatically. Also, there must be no votes given in order for Cypress tests to pass; reset backend manually if needed.

When using npm run tests, npm runs first unit tests (Jest), and if they pass, it will run end-to-end tests (Cypress). There's definitely room for improvement in tests, especially the e2e tests only test some part of the features. E.g. giving multiple votes (by different users) is not tested automatically at all.

Production setup

To build frontend, start backend, and serve files run

docker-compose up

After changes, rebuild the container using --build argument.

Docker Compose exposes port 3072 by default, it can be changed in docker-compose.yml.

If the application is not ran on the root path of the server (e.g., create a .env file in the frontend directory with desired path. For example, if running on, .env would look like this:


Remember to rebuild after changes!

Alkuperäinen tehtävänanto

Tehtävänäsi on toteuttaa lounaspaikkaäänestyssovelluksen frontend valmista APIa vasten (työkalut saat valita itse). Arvosteluperusteet tärkeysjärjestyksessä:

  1. Ratkaisun oikeellisuus
    1. ravintoloiden haku paikkakuntakohtaisesti
    2. äänen antaminen, muuttaminen ja poistaminen
    3. äänestystulosten esittäminen reaaliajassa
  2. Testit
  3. Ratkaisun selkeys ja yksinkertaisuus
  4. Käyttöliittymäratkaisut

Tässä repositoryssä on valmis Spring Bootilla toteutettu backend, joka toteuttaa lounaspaikkojen haku- ja äänestyslogiikan käyttäen -palvelua.

Backendin ajamiseen tarvitset JDK:n (versio>=11) ja/tai Dockerin asennettuna työasemallesi.

Backendin käynnistys:

./gradlew bootRun

tai Dockerilla:

docker run -p 8080:8080 solidabis/koodihaaste22:latest

Tutustu API-dokumentaatioon http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html

Päivä/selainkohtainen äänioikeus on toteutettu HTTP-only -cookiella.


Forkkaa tästä repositorystä oma julkinen ratkaisureposi ja lähetä linkki 31.5.2022 mennessä sähköpostilla osoitteeseen Muokkaa -tiedostoa siten, että siitä ilmenee vastauksen tarkastelua helpottavat tiedot, kuten käyttämäsi teknologiat ja muutaman lauseen kuvaus tekemistäsi ratkaisuista. Voit myös julkaista ratkaisusi esim. Herokuun, muista liittää linkki ja mahdolliset salasanat sähköpostiin!

Backendin muuttaminen esim. autentikoinnin toteuttamiseksi on sallittua.

Kerro samalla haluatko osallistua vain kilpailuun ja arvontaan, vai haluatko Solidabiksen ottavan yhteyttä myös työtarjouksiin liittyen. Se ei tarkoita, että sinulle lähetettäisiin roskapostia, vaan nimensä mukaisesti esimerkiksi kutsu työhaastatteluun. Voit halutessasi osallistua koodihasteeseen myös ilman, että haluat ottaa palkintoa vastaan tai osallistua arvontaan.