Step tracking app built with SwiftUI, CMPedometer, CloudKit and Core Data.
- Clone the repository.
- Navigate to the project directory.
- Code must be signed to a development team with CloudKit access.
- Container name must match container in CloudKit console.
- Run project.
- Ensure permissions are granted on a physical device (Access to Motion and Fitness Activity). Simulator and testing environments will rely on mock data automatically.
- Must be signed in to iCloud for authentication.
- View Todays step and calorie data and see current goal status for both.
- Works in both light and dark mode.
- Set goals, user name and profile image after onboarding and change anytime by navigating to profile on Today view.
- Awards page will show all achieved awards for the day and updated automatically.
- Challenge view - send users a challenge invitation, which will open the shared challenge in strider and begin a live challenge upon acceptance.
- View step data for the last 7 days, with Todays data at the top.
- Tap any card to view further details, insights and hourly step data.