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The Easiest Way to Set Up SSO in React: Complete Guide in 5 Minutes

Setting up Single Sign-On (SSO) in React can be a daunting task. You want users to sign in using Google, Microsoft, GitHub, Apple, Slack, and more. You'll need a login page, signup page, and password reset functionality.

Traditionally, this involves writing all the authentication logic, views, and components, and integrating with Identity Providers' (IDP) APIs manually. So to make things simple and easy, we would use Propelauth, which handles all the heavy lifting and also saves us a lot of maintenance in the future.

Step 1. Setting up Propelauth

  1. Create an Account: Log in to Propelauth, enter an organization name and project name.
  2. Create a Login/Signup Page: On the welcome page, select "Define the look and feel of your authentication UIs." Add your logo, background image, and color scheme, then click "Finish Setup."

Propelauth Setup

Step 2. Setting Up Google

We're going to use Google for this example. You can find guides for other IDPs like Microsoft, GitHub, Apple, Slack, LinkedIn, Salesforce, and more in the Propelauth documentation.

First, Go to Google Cloud Platform Console.

  1. Create Project: Click Create Project, enter a project name, and click Create.
  2. Create OAuth Consent Screen:
    • Navigate to APIs & Services > OAuth consent screen,
    • Select External and click Create.
    • Follow the next four steps, add test users, and click Save and Continue.
  3. Create OAuth 2.0 Client ID and Secret:
    • Go to APIs & Services > Credentials.
    • Click Create Credentials and select OAuth client ID.
    • Choose Web application.
    • Enter your app name (e.g., My Todo App).
    • Add the authorized redirect URIs from Propelauth Configuration > Signup / Login >> Google.
    • Click Create and copy the client ID and secret to the Propelauth dashboard.

Google OAuth Setup

SSO set. Now log in to your account. Go back to Propelauth, click on the Preview button at the top, and log in.

Step 3. Integration with React

Install Propelauth

npm install @propelauth/react

Go to Propelauth Integrate your project > Frontend Integration, enter your development URL, and click Save.

Set Up Environment Variables

Create a .env.local file in your project root and add the following:


Note: In production mode, you can use your own domain.

Wrap Your App with AuthProvider

import { AuthProvider } from '@propelauth/react';
// ...
<AuthProvider authUrl={import.meta.env.VITE_AUTH_URL}>
  <App />

Add Authentication Components:

// App.js
import './App.css'
import { useAuthInfo, useLogoutFunction } from '@propelauth/react'

function App() {
  const authInfo = useAuthInfo()
  const logout = useLogoutFunction()

  if (authInfo.loading) {
    return <h2>Loading...</h2>

  if (!authInfo.isLoggedIn) {
    return <a href={import.meta.env.VITE_AUTH_URL}>Login</a>

  return (
      <h1>Propelauth + React</h1>
        <img src={authInfo.user.pictureUrl} className="logo" alt="Profile Picture" />
        Welcome, {authInfo.user.firstName}!
        You are logged in as <a href={`mailto:${}`}>{}</a>
      <div className="card">
        <button onClick={() => logout()}>
          Log Out

export default App

Congratulations! You have successfully integrated Propelauth with your React app.

React SSO

Next Steps: