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Installation: Fedora

afred edited this page Jun 18, 2014 · 26 revisions


Fedora stores the metadata and preservation information for objects your users will upload to HydraDAM.


Note: You must have completed the installation of the SQL database before you can install Fedora.

  1. Ensure that the permissions on /opt are set correctly before you try to install Fedora by entering the command sudo chown $USER:$USER /opt in the terminal window.

  2. Set the environment variables for Fedora by entering the commands below in the terminal window.

    grep -q '^FEDORA_HOME=' /etc/environment || echo "FEDORA_HOME=/opt/fedora" | sudo tee -a /etc/environment  
    echo "PATH=$PATH:$FEDORA_HOME/server/bin:$FEDORA_HOME/client/bin" | sudo tee -a /etc/profile.d/  
  3. Log out and log back in to reload environment.

  4. Make sure your path is updated, by entering the command echo $PATH.
    The output should look like this: /usr/local/bin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/opt/fedora/server/bin:/opt/fedora/client/bin:/home/your_username/bin.

  5. Create and change the install directory by entering the command mkdir -p /opt/install && cd /opt/install.

  6. Get the Fedora 3.6.2 installer by entering the command wget

  7. Run the Fedora installer by entering the command java -jar fcrepo-installer-3.6.2.jar. If you make a mistake, you can exit the installer by typing “CANCEL” at any prompt.

    The installer prompts you to answer several questions. The answers you should give are shown behind the ==> below. When an answer begins with (default), you can just press Enter to accept that as the response and the installer will prompt you for the next response.

    Installation type
    Enter a value ==> custom  
    Fedora home directory
    Enter a value [default is /opt/fedora] ==> /opt/fedora  
    Fedora administrator password  
    Enter a value Enter a value ==> fedoraAdmin    
    Fedora server host  
    Enter a value [default is localhost] ==> localhost
    Fedora application server context   
    Enter a value [default is fedora] ==> fedora  
    Authentication requirement for API-A   
    Enter a value [default is false] ==> false  
    SSL availability     
    Enter a value [default is false] ==> false   
    Servlet engine       
    Enter a value [default is included] ==> existingTomcat  
    Tomcat home directory  
    (Ubuntu) Enter a value ==> /var/lib/tomcat7
    (CentOS) Enter a value ==> /usr/share/tomcat6  
    Tomcat HTTP port  
    Enter a value [default is 8080] ==> 8080  
    Tomcat shutdown port    
    Enter a value [default is 8005] ==> 8005  
    Enter a value ==> mysql  
    MySQL JDBC driver    
    Enter a value [default is included] ==> included  
    Database username  
    Enter a value ==> fedoraDBAdmin   
    Database password  
    Enter a value ==> fedoraAdmin  
    JDBC URL    
    Enter a value [default is jdbc:mysql://localhost/fedora3?useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=UTF-8&autoReconnect=true] ==> 
    JDBC DriverClass  
    Enter a value [default is com.mysql.jdbc.Driver] ==> com.mysql.jdbc.Driver  
    Use upstream HTTP authentication (Experimental Feature)  
    Enter a value [default is false] ==> false  
    Enable FeSL AuthZ (Experimental Feature)    
    Enter a value [default is false] ==> false  
    Policy enforcement enabled      
    Enter a value [default is false] ==> false  
    Low Level Storage      
    Enter a value [default is akubra-fs] ==> akubra-fs  
    Enable Resource Index  
    Enter a value [default is false] ==> false    
    Enable Messaging  
    Enter a value [default is false] ==> false    
    Deploy local services and demos
    Enter a value [default is true] ==> true    
  8. Give the tomcat user ownership of /opt/fedora, by entering the command
    (Ubuntu) sudo chown -R tomcat7:tomcat7 /opt/fedora
    (CentOS)sudo chown -R tomcat:tomcat /opt/fedora

  9. Restart tomcat, by entering the command
    (Ubuntu) sudo service tomcat7 restart
    (CentOS) sudo service tomcat6 restart
    and give fedora a good minute or two to get started before you completing the verification steps below.

Verification Steps

  1. To check fedora navigate to http://localhost:8080/fedora or enter the command curl localhost:8080/fedora/describe in the terminal window. You should see the address for the default fedora page (which should look similar to this: http://localhost:8080/fedora) in the output.

Next Step

Proceed to Install solr 4.2 or return to the Overview page.

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