API to improve chatbot, based on Spring boot.
When storing customer dialog (from chat), explicit consent must be given to allow the data to be processed or not. Data-api acts as intermediary between chatbot and 3rd party, who wants to observe the data. Data-api will make sure that data is legally shown to 3rd party (with customer's consent). It retrieves the dialog data from chatbot and stores them in its own DB.
To start developing and running the data-api locally, please install:
- GNU Make
- Java 11
- Docker + Docker compose
Alternatively, if you want to try running and testing the data-api see below (Mocked Environment)
To run the data-api locally for development purpose, you can execute:
make run
The data-api will be available on http://localhost:8080/
To access its swagger, you can access: http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
To run sonar qube locally with docker:
docker run -d --rm --name sonarqube -p 9000:9000 sonarqube:7.5-community
Then, to publish the unit testing results:
make quality
After the result can be found on http://localhost:9000
To produce the docker image of the data-api:
make package
For running the mocked environment, you just need to install:
- GNU Make
- Docker + Docker compose
Finally, to run the mocked environment, you can do via:
export POSTGRES_PASSWORD=example
make deploy version=0.0.1 changelist=
Swagger will also be available on http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html
Note please pass version that is available on docker registry: sanadhis/data-api
Please refer to why docs
Please refer to possible improvement
Apache License 2.0