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Redis Commander

This project is fork of open source redis-commander project:

This fork adds support for running redis-commander on PCF by automatically registering connection(s) to Redis Service instance(s) the redis-commander app is bound to at the time of pushing to PCF.

Redis management tool written in node.js, hence it requires node and npm or yarn to be installed. Follow instructions to install node (see Node download page It is recommended to use a package manager for the OS/Platform where you are installing node, like Homebrew for MaxOS X or apt for ubuntu/debian or rpm for RHEL.

Install and Run

To install globally on your machine

$ npm install -g redis-commander
$ redis-commander

To run from the project directory

$ npm install
$ node bin/redis-commander.js


$ redis-commander --help or node bin/redis-commander.js --help
  --redis-port                         The port to find redis on.               [string]
  --redis-host                         The host to find redis on.               [string]
  --redis-socket                       The unix-socket to find redis on.        [string]
  --redis-password                     The redis password.                      [string]
  --redis-db                           The redis database.                      [string]
  --redis-label                        The label to display for the connection. [string]
  --sentinel-port                      The port to find redis sentinel on.      [string]
  --sentinel-host                      The host to find redis sentinel on.      [string]
  --http-auth-username, --http-u       The http authorisation username.         [string]
  --http-auth-password, --http-p       The http authorisation password.         [string]
  --http-auth-password-hash, --http-h  The http authorisation password hash.    [string]
  --address, -a                        The address to run the server on.        [string]  [default:]
  --port, -p                           The port to run the server on.           [string]  [default: 8081]
  --url-prefix, -u                     The url prefix to respond on.            [string]  [default: ""]
  --root-pattern, --rp                 The root pattern of the redis keys.      [string]  [default: "*"]
  --nosave, --ns                       Do not save new connections to config.   [boolean] [default: true]
  --noload, --nl                       Do not load connections from config.     [boolean] [default: false]
  --use-scan, --sc                     Use scan instead of keys.                [boolean] [default: false]
  --clear-config, --cc                 clear configuration file.
  --migrate-config                     migrate old configuration file in $HOME to new style.
  --scan-count, --sc                   The size of each seperate scan.          [integer] [default: 100]
  --no-log-data                        Do not log data values from redis store. [boolean] [default: false]
  --open                               Open web-browser with Redis-Commander.   [boolean] [default: false]
  --folding-char, --fc                 Character to fold keys at in tree view.  [character] [default: ":"]
  --test, -t                           test final configuration (file, env-vars, command line)

The connection can be established either via direct connection to redis server or indirect via a sentinel instance.


Redis Commander can be configured by configuration files, environment variables or using command line parameters. The different types of config values overwrite each other, only the last (most important) value is used.

For configuration files the node-config module ( is used, with default to json syntax.

The order of precedence for all configuration values (from least to most important) is:

  • Configuration files

    default.json - this file contains all default values and SHOULD NOT be changed

    local.json - optional file, all local overwrites for values inside default.json should be placed here as well as a list of redis connections to use at startup

    local-<NODE_ENV>.json - Do not add anything else than connections to this file! Redis Commander will overwrite this whenever a connection is added or removed via user interface. Inside docker container this file is used to store all connections parsed from REDIS_HOSTS env var. This file overwrites all connections defined inside local.json

    There are some more possible files available to use - please check the node-config Wiki for an complete list of all possible file names (

  • Environment variables - the full list of env vars possible (except the docker specific ones) can be get from the file config/custom-environment-variables.json together with their mapping to the respective configuration key.

  • Command line parameters - Overwrites everything

To check the final configuration created from files, env-vars set and command line param overwrites start redis commander with additional param "--test". All invalid configuration keys will be listed in the output. The config test does not check if hostnames or ip addresses can be resolved.

Environment Variables

These environment variables can be used starting Redis Commander as normal application or inside docker container (defined inside file config/custom-environment-variables.json):



All environment variables listed at "Environment Variables" can be used running image with Docker. The following additional environment variables are available too (defined inside docker startup script):


The K8S_SIGTERM variable (default "0") can be set to "1" to work around kubernetes specificas to allow pod replacement with zero downtime. More information on how kubernetes handles termination of old pods and the setup of new ones can be found within the thread [kubernetes-retired/contrib#1140 (comment)]

Hosts can be optionally specified with a comma separated string by setting the REDIS_HOSTS environment variable.

After running the container, redis-commander will be available at localhost:8081.

Valid host strings

the REDIS_HOSTS environment variable is a comma separated list of host definitions, where each host should follow one of these templates:






Connection strings defined with REDIS_HOSTS variable do not support TLS connections. If remote redis server needs TLS write all connections into a config file instead of using REDIS_HOSTS.

With docker-compose

version: '3'
    container_name: redis
    hostname: redis
    image: redis

    container_name: redis-commander
    hostname: redis-commander
    image: rediscommander/redis-commander:latest
    restart: always
    - REDIS_HOSTS=local:redis:6379
    - "8081:8081"

Without docker-compose


If you're running redis on localhost:6379, this is all you need to get started.

docker run --rm --name redis-commander -d \
  -p 8081:8081 \

Specify single host

docker run --rm --name redis-commander -d \
  --env REDIS_HOSTS= \
  -p 8081:8081 \

Specify multiple hosts with labels

docker run --rm --name redis-commander -d \
  --env REDIS_HOSTS=local:localhost:6379,myredis: \
  -p 8081:8081 \


An example deployment can be found at k8s/redis-commander/deployment.yaml.

If you already have a cluster running with redis in the default namespace, deploy redis-commander with kubectl apply -f k8s/redis-commander. If you don't have redis running yet, you can deploy a simple pod with kubectl apply -f k8s/redis.

Alternatively, you can add a container to a deployment's spec like this:

- name: redis-commander
  image: rediscommander/redis-commander
  - name: REDIS_HOSTS
    value: instance1:redis:6379
  - name: redis-commander
    containerPort: 8081

Pivotal Cloud Foundry

  1. Update sample Cloud Foundry manifest.yml to match your cloud foundry environment.
  2. Create a new vars-{env}.yml file using vars-sample.yml to match your cloud foundry environment.
  3. Run npm install if you have to get all the required NPM modules (this may be needed if you are running in corporate environment where access to public NPM has been blocked).
  4. Create an instance of Redis for Pivotal Cloud Foundry (PCF) or use one if it already exists in the CF Space to which redis-commander will be deployed.
    • cf create-service p-redis dedicated-vm my-redis-instance.
  5. Push redis-commander to Cloud Foundry:
    • cf push redis-commander -f manifest.yml --vars-file vars-{env}.yml.
  6. Access redis-commander using the route that was specified in the manifest: https://((cfroute)).

OpenShift V3

To use the stock Node.js image builder do the following.

  1. Open Catalog and select the Node.js template
  2. Specify the name of the application and the URL to the redis-command github repository
  3. Click the advanced options link
  4. (optional) specify the hostname for the route - if one is not specified it will be generated
  5. In the Deployment Configuration section
    • Add REDIS_HOST environment variable whose value is the name of the redis service - e.g., redis
    • Add REDIS_PORT environment variable whose value is the port exposed of the redis service - e.g., 6379
    • Add value from secret generated by the redis template:
      • name: REDIS_PASSWORD
      • resource: redis
      • key: database-password
  6. (optional) specify a label such as appl=redis-commander-dev1
    • this label will be applied on all objects created allowing for easy deletion later via:
    oc delete all --selector appl=redis-commander-dev1

Build images based on this one

To use this images as a base image for other images you need to call "apk update" inside your Dockerfile before adding other apk packages with "apk add foo". Afterwards, to reduce your image size, you may remove all temporary apk configs too again as this Dockerfile does.


Redis management tool written in node.js







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  • JavaScript 67.9%
  • HTML 22.5%
  • Shell 5.4%
  • CSS 3.5%
  • Dockerfile 0.7%