名称取自PSP游戏《超级弹丸论破2/超级枪弹辩驳2:再见绝望学园》的主人公日向创的名字, Hinata-Hajime, 其名Hajime意为"创造未来"。
(后续补充Usage) 不补充了,不维护了,现在都已经Archive
以下是Hajime在该游戏最后一章的Class Trail中的发言:
There won't just be hope... There will probably be a lot of despair too...
I don't know what kind of future awaits us...
...but our futures are ours! I won't let anyone take them!
I've decided... I'm done running away...
I will fight for my future! I will fight alongside the future that everyone created for me!
It's not for anyone else's sake but my own!
I...am not Izuru Kamukura... I am Hajime Hinata!